古琴曲: 赵晓霞《长相思》/ Traditional Chinese Music:  Guqin  “Everlasting Yearning” ZHAO Xiao Xia
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴曲: 赵晓霞《长相思》/ Traditional Chinese Music: Guqin “Everlasting Yearning” ZHAO Xiao Xia
古琴名曲: 孙灜《碣石调•幽兰》/ Traditional Chinese Music:  Guqin  “Towering Rock Melody Secluded Orchid” SUN Ying
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴名曲: 孙灜《碣石调•幽兰》/ Traditional Chinese Music: Guqin “Towering Rock Melody Secluded Orchid” SUN Ying
古琴名曲: 俞伯荪《墨子悲丝》/ Traditional Chinese Music:  Guqin “Mozi Laments Silk”: YU Bo Sun
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴名曲: 俞伯荪《墨子悲丝》/ Traditional Chinese Music: Guqin “Mozi Laments Silk”: YU Bo Sun
古琴名曲: 郭关《归去来辞》/ Traditional Chinese Music:  Guqin “Come Away Home”: GUO Guan
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴名曲: 郭关《归去来辞》/ Traditional Chinese Music: Guqin “Come Away Home”: GUO Guan
古琴名曲: 龚一《醉渔唱晚》 Traditional Chinese Music:  Guqin “A Drunken Fisherman Sings in the Evening”: GONG Yi
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴名曲: 龚一《醉渔唱晚》 Traditional Chinese Music: Guqin “A Drunken Fisherman Sings in the Evening”: GONG Yi
古琴名曲: 曾成伟《秋水》/ Traditional Chinese Music:  Guqin “Autumn Floods”: ZENG Cheng Wei
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴名曲: 曾成伟《秋水》/ Traditional Chinese Music: Guqin “Autumn Floods”: ZENG Cheng Wei
古琴曲: 杨青《秋风醉》/ Chinese Music:  Guqin “Drunk on Autumn Wind”: YANG Qing
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴曲: 杨青《秋风醉》/ Chinese Music: Guqin “Drunk on Autumn Wind”: YANG Qing
古琴曲: 吴至民《涅槃妙心》/ Chinese Music:  Guqin “The Enlightened Heart of Nirvana”: WU Zhi Min
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴曲: 吴至民《涅槃妙心》/ Chinese Music: Guqin “The Enlightened Heart of Nirvana”: WU Zhi Min
古琴曲: 空雨 (李志华) 《停雨阁》/ Chinese Music:  Guqin “Rain Stopping Pavilion”: Kong Yu (LI Zhi Hua)
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴曲: 空雨 (李志华) 《停雨阁》/ Chinese Music: Guqin “Rain Stopping Pavilion”: Kong Yu (LI Zhi Hua)
古琴曲: 巫娜《夏 • 无尘》/ Chinese Music:  Guqin “Summer • Free from Dust”: WU Na
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴曲: 巫娜《夏 • 无尘》/ Chinese Music: Guqin “Summer • Free from Dust”: WU Na
古琴名曲: 巫娜《潇湘水云》(丝弦) /  Chinese Music:  Guqin “Vaporous Clouds on Xiaoxiang”: WU Na with silk strings
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴名曲: 巫娜《潇湘水云》(丝弦) / Chinese Music: Guqin “Vaporous Clouds on Xiaoxiang”: WU Na with silk strings
琴箫曲: 巫娜《禅茶一味》/ Chinese Guqin & Vertical Bamboo Flute “Oneness of Dhyana and Tea”: WU Na
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
琴箫曲: 巫娜《禅茶一味》/ Chinese Guqin & Vertical Bamboo Flute “Oneness of Dhyana and Tea”: WU Na
琴箫曲: 巫娜《古琴禅修》/ Chinese Guqin & Vertical Bamboo Flute “Meditation by Guqin”: WU Na
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
琴箫曲: 巫娜《古琴禅修》/ Chinese Guqin & Vertical Bamboo Flute “Meditation by Guqin”: WU Na
琴箫曲: 巫娜《世事如风》/ Chinese Guqin & Vertical Bamboo Flute “Ephemeral Winds of Life”: WU Na
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
琴箫曲: 巫娜《世事如风》/ Chinese Guqin & Vertical Bamboo Flute “Ephemeral Winds of Life”: WU Na
古琴曲: 吴至民《花影入水吟》/ Chinese Music:  Guqin “Flower Shadows in the Water”: WU Zhi Min
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴曲: 吴至民《花影入水吟》/ Chinese Music: Guqin “Flower Shadows in the Water”: WU Zhi Min
琴箫曲: 钟之岳、曾志《芦苇荡》/ Chinese Guqin & Vertical Bamboo Flute “Reed Marshes”: ZHONG Zhi Yue & ZENG Zhi
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
琴箫曲: 钟之岳、曾志《芦苇荡》/ Chinese Guqin & Vertical Bamboo Flute “Reed Marshes”: ZHONG Zhi Yue & ZENG Zhi
古琴曲: 吴至民《生机畅》/ Chinese Music:  Guqin “Sheng Ji Chang”: WU Zhi Min
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴曲: 吴至民《生机畅》/ Chinese Music: Guqin “Sheng Ji Chang”: WU Zhi Min
古琴名曲: 吴兆基《阳春》/ Traditional Chinese Music:  Guqin “Spring Sound”: WU Zhao Ji
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴名曲: 吴兆基《阳春》/ Traditional Chinese Music: Guqin “Spring Sound”: WU Zhao Ji
琴箫曲: 巫娜《太和玄音》/ Chinese Guqin “Harmony of the Celestial and Profound Buddhist Sounds”: WU Na
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
琴箫曲: 巫娜《太和玄音》/ Chinese Guqin “Harmony of the Celestial and Profound Buddhist Sounds”: WU Na
琴箫曲: 李祥霆《黄昏的满月》/ Guqin & Vertical Bamboo Flute “The Full Moon in the Tranquil Dusk”: LI Xiang Ting
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
琴箫曲: 李祥霆《黄昏的满月》/ Guqin & Vertical Bamboo Flute “The Full Moon in the Tranquil Dusk”: LI Xiang Ting
2023 圣诞快乐_2024新年好
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
2023 圣诞快乐_2024新年好
古琴名曲: 葛勇《白雪》/ Traditional Chinese Music:  Guqin “White Snow”: GE Yong
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴名曲: 葛勇《白雪》/ Traditional Chinese Music: Guqin “White Snow”: GE Yong
古琴曲: 巫娜《方寸一席》/ Chinese Guqin “A Seat in the Realm of Tea”: WU Na
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴曲: 巫娜《方寸一席》/ Chinese Guqin “A Seat in the Realm of Tea”: WU Na
古琴曲: 空雨 《山水云月》/ Guqin “Harmony of Nature: Flowing Mountains, Clouds, Moonlight, and Water”: Kong Yu
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴曲: 空雨 《山水云月》/ Guqin “Harmony of Nature: Flowing Mountains, Clouds, Moonlight, and Water”: Kong Yu
古琴《中庸》吴至民 / Chinese Music, Guqin “Zhong Yong (Doctrine of the Mean)”: WU Zhi Min
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《中庸》吴至民 / Chinese Music, Guqin “Zhong Yong (Doctrine of the Mean)”: WU Zhi Min
古琴《苦心孤诣引》吴至民 / Chinese Music, Guqin “Ku Xin Gu YI Yin (Diligent Mastery)”: WU Zhi Min
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《苦心孤诣引》吴至民 / Chinese Music, Guqin “Ku Xin Gu YI Yin (Diligent Mastery)”: WU Zhi Min
箫曲《梦人间》空雨 (李志华)/ Chinese Vertical Bamboo Flute “Dreaming of the Human Realm”: Kong Yu (LI Zhi Hua)
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
箫曲《梦人间》空雨 (李志华)/ Chinese Vertical Bamboo Flute “Dreaming of the Human Realm”: Kong Yu (LI Zhi Hua)
古琴《红火引》吴至民 / Chinese Music, Guqin “Hong Huo Yin”: WU Zhi Min
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《红火引》吴至民 / Chinese Music, Guqin “Hong Huo Yin”: WU Zhi Min
古琴《秋思》李祥霆 / Traditional Chinese Music, Guqin “Autumn Nostalgia”: LI Xiang Ting
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《秋思》李祥霆 / Traditional Chinese Music, Guqin “Autumn Nostalgia”: LI Xiang Ting
古琴《梧叶舞秋风》李祥霆 / Traditional Chinese Music, Guqin “Leaves Dancing in the Autumn”: LI Xiang Ting
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《梧叶舞秋风》李祥霆 / Traditional Chinese Music, Guqin “Leaves Dancing in the Autumn”: LI Xiang Ting
古琴曲《如来藏-菩萨的微笑》成红雨 / Chinese Guqin "Tathāgatagarbha - The Smile of the Bodhisattva": CHENG Hong Yu
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴曲《如来藏-菩萨的微笑》成红雨 / Chinese Guqin "Tathāgatagarbha - The Smile of the Bodhisattva": CHENG Hong Yu
古琴《颐真》: 李凤云 / Traditional Chinese Music, Guqin “Yi Zhen”: LI Feng Yun
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《颐真》: 李凤云 / Traditional Chinese Music, Guqin “Yi Zhen”: LI Feng Yun
箫曲《又见》空雨 (李志华)/ Chinese Music, Vertical Bamboo Flute “Revisiting Memories”: Kong Yu (LI Zhi Hua)
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
箫曲《又见》空雨 (李志华)/ Chinese Music, Vertical Bamboo Flute “Revisiting Memories”: Kong Yu (LI Zhi Hua)
琴箫合奏《一叶知心》: 巫娜/ Chinese Music, Guqin “Yi Ye Zhi Xin (A Leaf Understands the Heart)”: WU Na
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
琴箫合奏《一叶知心》: 巫娜/ Chinese Music, Guqin “Yi Ye Zhi Xin (A Leaf Understands the Heart)”: WU Na
古琴曲《云香》: 空雨 / Chinese Guqin “Yun Xiang (Fragrance in the Clouds)”: Kong Yu
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴曲《云香》: 空雨 / Chinese Guqin “Yun Xiang (Fragrance in the Clouds)”: Kong Yu
古琴曲《归无处》: 空雨 / Chinese Guqin “Returning to Nowhere”: Kong Yu
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴曲《归无处》: 空雨 / Chinese Guqin “Returning to Nowhere”: Kong Yu
古琴《春晓吟》: 葛勇/ Traditional  Chinese  Guqin “Spring Dawn Intonation”:  GE Yong
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《春晓吟》: 葛勇/ Traditional Chinese Guqin “Spring Dawn Intonation”: GE Yong
古琴《玄默》: 马常胜 (手机版)/ Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin " Xuan Mo": MA Chang Sheng - 2nd Version
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《玄默》: 马常胜 (手机版)/ Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin " Xuan Mo": MA Chang Sheng - 2nd Version
古琴曲《春江晚眺》金蔚/ Chinese Traditional  Guqin “Spring River Evening View”:  JIN Wei
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴曲《春江晚眺》金蔚/ Chinese Traditional Guqin “Spring River Evening View”: JIN Wei
《重逢有日》 日瓦戈医生 主题曲 /Spanish Guitar   Lara's Theme "Somewhere My Love"
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
《重逢有日》 日瓦戈医生 主题曲 /Spanish Guitar Lara's Theme "Somewhere My Love"
浪漫吉他曲《斯卡布罗集市》/ Romantic Guitar: "Scarborough Fair"
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
浪漫吉他曲《斯卡布罗集市》/ Romantic Guitar: "Scarborough Fair"
古琴曲《沧江夜雨 》汪铎/ Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin  “Night Rain over the Deep Blue River”: WANG Duo
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴曲《沧江夜雨 》汪铎/ Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Night Rain over the Deep Blue River”: WANG Duo
古琴曲《沧海龙吟》: 乐瑛/ Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Dragons Roaring in the Deep Blue Sea”: YUE Ying
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴曲《沧海龙吟》: 乐瑛/ Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Dragons Roaring in the Deep Blue Sea”: YUE Ying
腊八逐疫一枝春 (Secret Garden: Lament For A Frozen Flower)
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
腊八逐疫一枝春 (Secret Garden: Lament For A Frozen Flower)
范吉里斯《圣歌》排箫版  // Hymne: Vangelis (Flute de Pan)
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
范吉里斯《圣歌》排箫版 // Hymne: Vangelis (Flute de Pan)
古琴曲《静山映湖》: 空雨 / Chinese Guqin “Reflections of Silent Mountains in the Lake”: Kong Yu
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴曲《静山映湖》: 空雨 / Chinese Guqin “Reflections of Silent Mountains in the Lake”: Kong Yu
琴箫曲《落雪听禅》: 巫娜 / Chinese Guqin  & Vertical Bamboo Flute “Zen in the Falling Snow”: WU Na
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
琴箫曲《落雪听禅》: 巫娜 / Chinese Guqin & Vertical Bamboo Flute “Zen in the Falling Snow”: WU Na
古琴曲《归来》: 杨青 / Chinese Guqin “Returning Back Home”: YANG Qing
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴曲《归来》: 杨青 / Chinese Guqin “Returning Back Home”: YANG Qing
古琴曲《云水禅心》: 王先宏 / Chinese Guqin “Cloud of Zen”: WANG Xian Hong
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴曲《云水禅心》: 王先宏 / Chinese Guqin “Cloud of Zen”: WANG Xian Hong
古琴曲《风起时》: 钟之岳 / Guqin  “When the Wind Rise” (from the theme song of Nirvana in Fire): ZHONG Zhi Yue
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴曲《风起时》: 钟之岳 / Guqin “When the Wind Rise” (from the theme song of Nirvana in Fire): ZHONG Zhi Yue
古琴、陶笛合奏《千年风雅》: 王先宏 / Guqin  &  Ocarina “Millennial Elegance”: WANG Xian Hong
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴、陶笛合奏《千年风雅》: 王先宏 / Guqin & Ocarina “Millennial Elegance”: WANG Xian Hong
箫曲《归藏》空雨/ Chinese Music, Vertical Bamboo Flute “Gui Cang”: Kong Yu
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
箫曲《归藏》空雨/ Chinese Music, Vertical Bamboo Flute “Gui Cang”: Kong Yu
古琴《洞庭秋思》成公亮 / Chinese Music, Guqin “Autumn Reflections by the Dongting Lake”: CHENG Gong Liang
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《洞庭秋思》成公亮 / Chinese Music, Guqin “Autumn Reflections by the Dongting Lake”: CHENG Gong Liang
古琴《秋夜长》陈雷激/ Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Long Autumn Night”: CHEN Lei Ji
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《秋夜长》陈雷激/ Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Long Autumn Night”: CHEN Lei Ji
琴箫合奏《春山外》: 马常胜/ Chinese Guqin & Vertical Bamboo Flute “Spring Hill” MA Chang Sheng &  XU Bo
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
琴箫合奏《春山外》: 马常胜/ Chinese Guqin & Vertical Bamboo Flute “Spring Hill” MA Chang Sheng & XU Bo
古琴《离骚》: 乔珊 / Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Li Sao”: QIAO Shan
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《离骚》: 乔珊 / Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Li Sao”: QIAO Shan
古琴《静观吟》:李家祥 / Chinese Music, Guqin “Jing Guan Yin”: LI Jia Xiang
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《静观吟》:李家祥 / Chinese Music, Guqin “Jing Guan Yin”: LI Jia Xiang
古琴《清自清,浊自浊》:曾小刚 / Chinese Music, Guqin “Qing zi qing, zhuo zi zhuo”: ZENG Xiao Gang
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《清自清,浊自浊》:曾小刚 / Chinese Music, Guqin “Qing zi qing, zhuo zi zhuo”: ZENG Xiao Gang
古琴《面壁》:李祥霆 / Chinese Music, Guqin “Facing the Wall”: LI Xiang Ting
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《面壁》:李祥霆 / Chinese Music, Guqin “Facing the Wall”: LI Xiang Ting
箫曲《渭城曲》: 一音禅师 (宋歌) / Chinese Music, Vertical Bamboo Flute “A Farewell Song”:  SONG Ge
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
箫曲《渭城曲》: 一音禅师 (宋歌) / Chinese Music, Vertical Bamboo Flute “A Farewell Song”: SONG Ge
古琴《太极》: 王先宏 / Chinese Guqin “Taiji”: WANG Xian Hong
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《太极》: 王先宏 / Chinese Guqin “Taiji”: WANG Xian Hong
古琴《尘迹》: 空雨 / Chinese Guqin “Trace of the mortal life”: Kong Yu
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《尘迹》: 空雨 / Chinese Guqin “Trace of the mortal life”: Kong Yu
箫曲《九华烟雨》: 一音禅师 (宋歌) / Chinese Music, Vertical Bamboo Flute “Misty Rain in Mount Jiuhua”: SONG Ge
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
箫曲《九华烟雨》: 一音禅师 (宋歌) / Chinese Music, Vertical Bamboo Flute “Misty Rain in Mount Jiuhua”: SONG Ge
古琴《尘光》: 空雨 / Chinese Guqin “Light in the mortal life”: Kong Yu
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《尘光》: 空雨 / Chinese Guqin “Light in the mortal life”: Kong Yu
琴箫合奏《赤壁怀古》: 龚一、罗守诚 / Chinese Guqin & Vertical Bamboo Flute “Nostalgia at the Red Cliffs” GONG & LUO
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
琴箫合奏《赤壁怀古》: 龚一、罗守诚 / Chinese Guqin & Vertical Bamboo Flute “Nostalgia at the Red Cliffs” GONG & LUO
琴箫合奏《暗香》:孔子文、孔志轩/ Chinese Guqin & Vertical Bamboo Flute “Hidden Fragrance”: KONG Ziwen, KONG Zhixuan
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
琴箫合奏《暗香》:孔子文、孔志轩/ Chinese Guqin & Vertical Bamboo Flute “Hidden Fragrance”: KONG Ziwen, KONG Zhixuan
古琴《碧涧流泉》: 沙门怀一/ Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin " Bi Jian Liu Quan ": Sha Men Huai Yi
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《碧涧流泉》: 沙门怀一/ Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin " Bi Jian Liu Quan ": Sha Men Huai Yi
古琴《千声佛》:李祥霆/ Chinese Music, Guqin “Thousand Sounds of Buddha”: LI Xiang Ting
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《千声佛》:李祥霆/ Chinese Music, Guqin “Thousand Sounds of Buddha”: LI Xiang Ting
古琴《送别》:马常胜/ Chinese Guqin “Farewell”: MA Chang Sheng
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《送别》:马常胜/ Chinese Guqin “Farewell”: MA Chang Sheng
琴箫合奏《秋水斜阳》马常胜/ Chinese Guqin & Bamboo Flute “Water as the Sun Sets in Autumn”: MA Chang Sheng
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
琴箫合奏《秋水斜阳》马常胜/ Chinese Guqin & Bamboo Flute “Water as the Sun Sets in Autumn”: MA Chang Sheng
尹相杰、于文华《纤夫的爱》The Love of Boat Trackers
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
尹相杰、于文华《纤夫的爱》The Love of Boat Trackers
箫曲《清明上河图》:陈悦 / Chinese Music, Vertical Bamboo Flute “River on the Qingming Festival”: CHEN Yue
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
箫曲《清明上河图》:陈悦 / Chinese Music, Vertical Bamboo Flute “River on the Qingming Festival”: CHEN Yue
箫曲 《胡笳十八拍》:陈悦 / Chinese  Music, Vertical Bamboo Flute “Eighteen Songs of a Nomad Flute”: CHEN Yue
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
箫曲 《胡笳十八拍》:陈悦 / Chinese Music, Vertical Bamboo Flute “Eighteen Songs of a Nomad Flute”: CHEN Yue
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《星垂平野阔》: 李祥霆 / Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Stars Rising over Wide Fields”: LI Xiang Ting
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《星垂平野阔》: 李祥霆 / Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Stars Rising over Wide Fields”: LI Xiang Ting
箫曲《明月清箫》: 宋歌 / Chinese Music, Vertical Bamboo Flute “Bright Moon and Gentle Flute Melody ”: SONG Ge
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
箫曲《明月清箫》: 宋歌 / Chinese Music, Vertical Bamboo Flute “Bright Moon and Gentle Flute Melody ”: SONG Ge
古琴《静虚》: 空雨 / Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Peace and Void”: Kong Yu
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《静虚》: 空雨 / Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Peace and Void”: Kong Yu
古琴《归心》: 空雨 / Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Back to the Heart”: Kong Yu
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《归心》: 空雨 / Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Back to the Heart”: Kong Yu
琴箫合奏《寒山僧踪》:龚一、罗守诚 / Chinese Music, Guqin & Vertical Bamboo Flute: GONG Yi and LUO Shou Cheng
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
琴箫合奏《寒山僧踪》:龚一、罗守诚 / Chinese Music, Guqin & Vertical Bamboo Flute: GONG Yi and LUO Shou Cheng
古琴《千江雪》: 吴至民 / Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Qian Jiang Xue”: WU Zhi Min
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《千江雪》: 吴至民 / Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Qian Jiang Xue”: WU Zhi Min
琴埙合奏:《无悔》黄思艺、吴苏芯/ Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin and Xun “No Regrets”: HUANG Si Yi and WU Su Xin
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
琴埙合奏:《无悔》黄思艺、吴苏芯/ Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin and Xun “No Regrets”: HUANG Si Yi and WU Su Xin
古琴《双鹤听泉》: 郭关 / Chinese Guqin “Shuang He Ting Quan (Two Cranes Listening to Spring Water)”: GUO Guan
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《双鹤听泉》: 郭关 / Chinese Guqin “Shuang He Ting Quan (Two Cranes Listening to Spring Water)”: GUO Guan
古琴《清音流云》: 空雨 / Chinese Music, Guqin “Qing Yin Liu Yun (Soft Tone and Moving Clouds)”: Kong Yu
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《清音流云》: 空雨 / Chinese Music, Guqin “Qing Yin Liu Yun (Soft Tone and Moving Clouds)”: Kong Yu
箫曲《独钓寒江雪》: 李祥霆 / Chinese Music, Vertical Bamboo Flute “Fishing Alone in Snow”: LI Xiang Ting
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
箫曲《独钓寒江雪》: 李祥霆 / Chinese Music, Vertical Bamboo Flute “Fishing Alone in Snow”: LI Xiang Ting
古琴《文王操》: 成公亮 / Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Wen Wang Cao (Wen Wang's Melody)”: CHENG Gong Liang
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《文王操》: 成公亮 / Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Wen Wang Cao (Wen Wang's Melody)”: CHENG Gong Liang
古琴《禅定》: 李祥霆 / Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Chan Ding (Buddhist Meditation)”: LI Xiang Ting
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《禅定》: 李祥霆 / Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Chan Ding (Buddhist Meditation)”: LI Xiang Ting
古琴《天地一沙鸥》: 李祥霆 / Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Tian Di Yi Sha Ou”: LI Xiang Ting
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《天地一沙鸥》: 李祥霆 / Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Tian Di Yi Sha Ou”: LI Xiang Ting
古琴《良宵引》: 郭关 / Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Liang Xiao Yin (Peaceful Evening Prelude)”: GUO Guan
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《良宵引》: 郭关 / Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Liang Xiao Yin (Peaceful Evening Prelude)”: GUO Guan
古琴《菩提心》: 李祥霆/ Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Pu Ti Xin (Bodhicitta)”: LI Xiang Ting
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《菩提心》: 李祥霆/ Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Pu Ti Xin (Bodhicitta)”: LI Xiang Ting
古琴名曲《广陵散》: 吴文光 / Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Guang Ling San (Guangling Melody)”: WU Wen Guang
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴名曲《广陵散》: 吴文光 / Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Guang Ling San (Guangling Melody)”: WU Wen Guang
古琴名曲《流水》: 巫娜/ Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Liu Shui (Flowing Streams)”: WU Na
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴名曲《流水》: 巫娜/ Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Liu Shui (Flowing Streams)”: WU Na
古琴《秋塞吟》: 赵晓霞 / Chinese Music,  Guqin “Qiu Sai Yin (The Frontier in the Autumn) ”  ZHAO Xiao Xia
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《秋塞吟》: 赵晓霞 / Chinese Music, Guqin “Qiu Sai Yin (The Frontier in the Autumn) ” ZHAO Xiao Xia
古琴《招隐》: 郭关/ Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Zhao Yin (Seeking a Recluse)”  GUO Guan
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《招隐》: 郭关/ Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Zhao Yin (Seeking a Recluse)” GUO Guan
古琴《虞美人》: 马常胜/ Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Yu Mei Ren”  MA Chang-Sheng
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《虞美人》: 马常胜/ Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Yu Mei Ren” MA Chang-Sheng
古琴《若兰辞》: 芮艳明 / Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Ruo Lan Ci”:  RUI Yan-Ming
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《若兰辞》: 芮艳明 / Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Ruo Lan Ci”: RUI Yan-Ming
古琴《玉树临风》:  马常胜 / Chinese Guqin “Yu Shu Lin Feng (A Jade Tree in the Wind)”:  MA Chang-Sheng
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《玉树临风》: 马常胜 / Chinese Guqin “Yu Shu Lin Feng (A Jade Tree in the Wind)”: MA Chang-Sheng
古琴《山居吟》:  龚一 / Chinese  Music, Guqin “Shan Ju Yin (Ode to living in the mountains)”:  GONG Yi
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴《山居吟》: 龚一 / Chinese Music, Guqin “Shan Ju Yin (Ode to living in the mountains)”: GONG Yi
古琴专辑《风月无古今》: 巫娜 / Album of Chinese Guqin “Feng Yue Wu Gu Jin”, Artist: WU Na.
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴专辑《风月无古今》: 巫娜 / Album of Chinese Guqin “Feng Yue Wu Gu Jin”, Artist: WU Na.
古琴曲《风月无古今》: 巫娜 / Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Feng Yue Wu Gu Jin”: WU Na
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
古琴曲《风月无古今》: 巫娜 / Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Feng Yue Wu Gu Jin”: WU Na
琴箫合奏《崖下栖心》: 巫娜/ Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Ya Xia Qi Xin”: WU Na
Haven of the Soul _ Fei Sun
琴箫合奏《崖下栖心》: 巫娜/ Chinese Traditional Music, Guqin “Ya Xia Qi Xin”: WU Na