何時告訴他人可以如何改進?When to tell someone how they can improve? #美樂地家庭
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
何時告訴他人可以如何改進?When to tell someone how they can improve? #美樂地家庭
Family Feedback Time: Speaking the truth in love | Melody's Podcast
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
Family Feedback Time: Speaking the truth in love | Melody's Podcast
Testimony time!
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
Testimony time!
「凡有氣息的都要讚美耶和華!Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!」詩篇 Ps 150:6 #切慕專輯 #主全能神是祂的名 #原創歌曲
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
「凡有氣息的都要讚美耶和華!Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!」詩篇 Ps 150:6 #切慕專輯 #主全能神是祂的名 #原創歌曲
「愛裡沒有懼怕。There is no fear in love.」約翰一書 1 John 4:18 #即興敬拜 #切慕專輯
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
「愛裡沒有懼怕。There is no fear in love.」約翰一書 1 John 4:18 #即興敬拜 #切慕專輯
祢看到比我更遠,跟隨祢我才安全。You see much farther than me; I am safest in Your will. #祢的意念高過我的意念 #切慕專輯 #原創歌曲
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
祢看到比我更遠,跟隨祢我才安全。You see much farther than me; I am safest in Your will. #祢的意念高過我的意念 #切慕專輯 #原創歌曲
神的靈,再來充滿我!Spirit of God, come fill me again! #我切切尋求祢 #切慕專輯 #原創歌曲
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
神的靈,再來充滿我!Spirit of God, come fill me again! #我切切尋求祢 #切慕專輯 #原創歌曲
聽阿!主全能神是祂的名。Hear now! The Lord Almighty is his Name (耶利米書 Jeremiah 31:35) #切慕現場專輯 #原創歌曲
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
聽阿!主全能神是祂的名。Hear now! The Lord Almighty is his Name (耶利米書 Jeremiah 31:35) #切慕現場專輯 #原創歌曲
永遠我要稱頌祢奇妙恩典 🙌 Forever I will praise Your miraculous grace #奇妙恩典 #切慕專輯 #原創歌曲
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
永遠我要稱頌祢奇妙恩典 🙌 Forever I will praise Your miraculous grace #奇妙恩典 #切慕專輯 #原創歌曲
祢的愛如火焰燃燒直到永遠 Your love is a fire than burns forevermore #測不透的愛 #unfathomablelove #切慕專輯 #原創歌曲
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
祢的愛如火焰燃燒直到永遠 Your love is a fire than burns forevermore #測不透的愛 #unfathomablelove #切慕專輯 #原創歌曲
Where you lead, I will follow, I will not be afraid. 祢帶領我就跟隨,我不害怕 #spontaneous #即興敬拜 #切慕專輯 #愛裡沒有懼怕
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
Where you lead, I will follow, I will not be afraid. 祢帶領我就跟隨,我不害怕 #spontaneous #即興敬拜 #切慕專輯 #愛裡沒有懼怕
「願你吸引我,我們就快跑跟隨你。Draw me after you; let us run.」(雅歌 Song of Songs 1:4) #切慕專輯 #原創歌曲 #祢的意念高過我的的意念
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
「願你吸引我,我們就快跑跟隨你。Draw me after you; let us run.」(雅歌 Song of Songs 1:4) #切慕專輯 #原創歌曲 #祢的意念高過我的的意念
新年快樂 Happy CNY! 【切慕 / Thirst (現場敬拜 Live worship)】專輯 album is out now! #我切切尋求祢 #切慕專輯 #原創歌曲
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
新年快樂 Happy CNY! 【切慕 / Thirst (現場敬拜 Live worship)】專輯 album is out now! #我切切尋求祢 #切慕專輯 #原創歌曲
主全能神是祂的名 The Lord Almighty Is His Name (Live)|Melody Hwang 黃友聞
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
主全能神是祂的名 The Lord Almighty Is His Name (Live)|Melody Hwang 黃友聞
奇妙恩典 Miraculous Grace (Live)|Melody Hwang 黃友聞
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
奇妙恩典 Miraculous Grace (Live)|Melody Hwang 黃友聞
測不透的愛 Unfathomable Love (Live)|Melody Hwang 黃友聞
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
測不透的愛 Unfathomable Love (Live)|Melody Hwang 黃友聞
愛裡沒有懼怕 No Fear In Love (Spontaneous worship)|Melody Hwang 黃友聞
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
愛裡沒有懼怕 No Fear In Love (Spontaneous worship)|Melody Hwang 黃友聞
祢的意念高過我的意念 Your Thoughts Are Higher (Live)|Melody Hwang 黃友聞
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
祢的意念高過我的意念 Your Thoughts Are Higher (Live)|Melody Hwang 黃友聞
我切切尋求祢 Earnestly I Seek You (Live)|Melody Hwang 黃友聞
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
我切切尋求祢 Earnestly I Seek You (Live)|Melody Hwang 黃友聞
Exactly one year ago. Crazy how much has happened in my life since then 就在一年前... 回想這段時間,好多的改變咯
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
Exactly one year ago. Crazy how much has happened in my life since then 就在一年前... 回想這段時間,好多的改變咯
切慕 Thirst (Live) - Behind-the-scenes Interviews
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
切慕 Thirst (Live) - Behind-the-scenes Interviews
*new song 新歌* {Shake 震動} 2025 first song & prayer 第一首歌和禱告
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
*new song 新歌* {Shake 震動} 2025 first song & prayer 第一首歌和禱告
【切慕 Thirst - Live album (Spontaneous wrshp)】+ Bonus Song《The Lord Almighty Is His Name》|Melody Hwang
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
【切慕 Thirst - Live album (Spontaneous wrshp)】+ Bonus Song《The Lord Almighty Is His Name》|Melody Hwang
我新專輯的所有歌詞影片現已發布!#EP #合輯 #新歌 All lyric videos for my new album are out now! #compilation #new songs
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
我新專輯的所有歌詞影片現已發布!#EP #合輯 #新歌 All lyric videos for my new album are out now! #compilation #new songs
【我切切尋求祢 / Earnestly I Seek You】官方歌詞版 Lyric Video|黃友聞 Melody Hwang
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
【我切切尋求祢 / Earnestly I Seek You】官方歌詞版 Lyric Video|黃友聞 Melody Hwang
【奇妙恩典 / Miraculous Grace】官方歌詞版 Lyric Video|黃友聞 Melody Hwang
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
【奇妙恩典 / Miraculous Grace】官方歌詞版 Lyric Video|黃友聞 Melody Hwang
【祢的意念高過我的意念 / Your Thoughts Are Higher】官方歌詞版 Lyric Video|黃友聞 Melody Hwang
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
【祢的意念高過我的意念 / Your Thoughts Are Higher】官方歌詞版 Lyric Video|黃友聞 Melody Hwang
【測不透的愛  / Unfathomable Love】官方歌詞版 Lyric Video|黃友聞 Melody Hwang
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
【測不透的愛 / Unfathomable Love】官方歌詞版 Lyric Video|黃友聞 Melody Hwang
這對我來說是一個新季節 New season for me 🙏 再見 Goodbye, YouTube! #美樂地家庭 #最後一集 #finalvideo
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
這對我來說是一個新季節 New season for me 🙏 再見 Goodbye, YouTube! #美樂地家庭 #最後一集 #finalvideo
我將放下我的 YouTube 頻道一段時間 🥹 I'm laying down my YouTube channel for awhile...
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
我將放下我的 YouTube 頻道一段時間 🥹 I'm laying down my YouTube channel for awhile...
Our final video...
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
Our final video...
我要暫時停止「一如往常的運作」... I'm taking a break from "business as usual" #美樂地家庭 #最後一集 #finalvideo
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
我要暫時停止「一如往常的運作」... I'm taking a break from "business as usual" #美樂地家庭 #最後一集 #finalvideo
The Loneliness Epidemic & Healthy Community | Melody's Family Podcast
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
The Loneliness Epidemic & Healthy Community | Melody's Family Podcast
「你們要給人,就必有給你們的。Give and it will be given unto you.」路加福音 Luke 6:38 新的podcast 節目推出了!#美樂地家庭
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
「你們要給人,就必有給你們的。Give and it will be given unto you.」路加福音 Luke 6:38 新的podcast 節目推出了!#美樂地家庭
"Alone yet not lonely. 孤獨卻不孤單。" 新的美樂地家庭Podcast推出了!在Youtube上收聽整集!#美樂地家庭
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
"Alone yet not lonely. 孤獨卻不孤單。" 新的美樂地家庭Podcast推出了!在Youtube上收聽整集!#美樂地家庭
Why I often feel like I'm alone... | Melody's Family Podcast
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
Why I often feel like I'm alone... | Melody's Family Podcast
「不算好,不算壞,不冷也不熱😳 Not good, not bad, not hot or cold...」新的美樂地家庭Podcast終於推出了!在Youtube上收聽整集!#美樂地家庭
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
「不算好,不算壞,不冷也不熱😳 Not good, not bad, not hot or cold...」新的美樂地家庭Podcast終於推出了!在Youtube上收聽整集!#美樂地家庭
Chat with Parents about Biblical "Lukewarmness" & Dad's first time street preaching in Tokyo
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
Chat with Parents about Biblical "Lukewarmness" & Dad's first time street preaching in Tokyo
New song! "So I Am Loved" inspired by 1 John 3:20. Full demo + lyric video out now :) #originalsong
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
New song! "So I Am Loved" inspired by 1 John 3:20. Full demo + lyric video out now :) #originalsong
So I Am Loved (new song demo) - by Melody Hwang [Lyric Video]
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
So I Am Loved (new song demo) - by Melody Hwang [Lyric Video]
"I Am Not Alone." | Melody's Blog Audiobook Ep.2
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
"I Am Not Alone." | Melody's Blog Audiobook Ep.2
"For the battle is the Lord's, and he will give you into our hand.”  (1 Samuel 17:47b) #originalsong
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
"For the battle is the Lord's, and he will give you into our hand.” (1 Samuel 17:47b) #originalsong
Story behind new Japanese song #osorenai #collaboration
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
Story behind new Japanese song #osorenai #collaboration
New Japanese worship song based on David & Goliath! #Osorenai
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
New Japanese worship song based on David & Goliath! #Osorenai
NEW Japanese worship song based on David & Goliath! #Osorenai
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
NEW Japanese worship song based on David & Goliath! #Osorenai
I recorded my blog like an audiobook! 😆
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
I recorded my blog like an audiobook! 😆
New Songs & Missions | Melody's Blog Audiobook Ep.1
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
New Songs & Missions | Melody's Blog Audiobook Ep.1
New Japanese worship song! 新しい日本の賛美歌!#信じる #Shinjiru Full lyric video out now! 新的日文敬拜詩歌!
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
New Japanese worship song! 新しい日本の賛美歌!#信じる #Shinjiru Full lyric video out now! 新的日文敬拜詩歌!
Thanks, Momo, for translating this song into Japanese and singing it with me! Full video out now!
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
Thanks, Momo, for translating this song into Japanese and singing it with me! Full video out now!
I wrote my first Japanese worship song! 😍 "Shinjiru" feat. Momo
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
I wrote my first Japanese worship song! 😍 "Shinjiru" feat. Momo
I wrote my first Japanese worship song! #信じる #Shinjiru Full lyric video out now! 我寫了我的第一首日語敬拜歌曲!
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
I wrote my first Japanese worship song! #信じる #Shinjiru Full lyric video out now! 我寫了我的第一首日語敬拜歌曲!
Shinjiru (My Trust Is In You) - New Japanese worship song! Lyric Video
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
Shinjiru (My Trust Is In You) - New Japanese worship song! Lyric Video
Contrary to what it seems... 😏😅
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
Contrary to what it seems... 😏😅
I wrote and recorded my first song in Japan! :D
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
I wrote and recorded my first song in Japan! :D
I filmed the process of recording my first song demo in Japan. Japanese version coming soon too! :D
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
I filmed the process of recording my first song demo in Japan. Japanese version coming soon too! :D
"Unforgettable" by Nat King Cole and his daughter Natalie Cole is one of my dad's favorite songs ❤️
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
"Unforgettable" by Nat King Cole and his daughter Natalie Cole is one of my dad's favorite songs ❤️
Thanks, Dad, for pursuing your dreams. 爸爸,謝謝你追求你的夢想。@selectedvizual
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
Thanks, Dad, for pursuing your dreams. 爸爸,謝謝你追求你的夢想。@selectedvizual
I wrote my first song in Japan! 我寫了在日本的第一首歌!Full piano demo out now :) #originalsong
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
I wrote my first song in Japan! 我寫了在日本的第一首歌!Full piano demo out now :) #originalsong
New original song “My Trust Is In You (信じる)” *piano demo*
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
New original song “My Trust Is In You (信じる)” *piano demo*
What do you appreciate the most about your father? 你最欣賞父親的什麼?
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
What do you appreciate the most about your father? 你最欣賞父親的什麼?
Happy (Taiwanese) Father's Day! From our whole family ❤️
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
Happy (Taiwanese) Father's Day! From our whole family ❤️
Dad, we love you! 爸爸 我們愛你!#爸爸節快樂
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
Dad, we love you! 爸爸 我們愛你!#爸爸節快樂
「不能說是放棄,其實這個叫做屬靈低潮。Not giving up, but a spiritual low tide.」#美樂地家庭
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
「不能說是放棄,其實這個叫做屬靈低潮。Not giving up, but a spiritual low tide.」#美樂地家庭
照著祢的話成就 According to Your Word (Original song by Melody Hwang)
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
照著祢的話成就 According to Your Word (Original song by Melody Hwang)
「照著祢的話成就,成就在我的身上。Let it be to me according to Your Word.」#美樂地家庭 #原創歌曲 #originalsong #照著祢的話成就
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
「照著祢的話成就,成就在我的身上。Let it be to me according to Your Word.」#美樂地家庭 #原創歌曲 #originalsong #照著祢的話成就
"It's not a better offer; it's a higher calling. 不是更高的薪資,而是更高的召喚。“ #美樂地家庭
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
"It's not a better offer; it's a higher calling. 不是更高的薪資,而是更高的召喚。“ #美樂地家庭
讓神兒子的愛環繞你(美樂地家庭 翻唱)
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
讓神兒子的愛環繞你(美樂地家庭 翻唱)
「你不是奴僕,你也不是雇工,你是神的兒子。You are not a slave or a hired worker; you are a son of God.」#美樂地家庭 #讓神兒子的愛環繞你
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
「你不是奴僕,你也不是雇工,你是神的兒子。You are not a slave or a hired worker; you are a son of God.」#美樂地家庭 #讓神兒子的愛環繞你
Seeking help is a sign of maturity. 尋求幫助是成熟的標誌。#美樂地家庭
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
Seeking help is a sign of maturity. 尋求幫助是成熟的標誌。#美樂地家庭
Dad sings his favorite song "Impossible Dream"
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
Dad sings his favorite song "Impossible Dream"
I wrote a song for Janet! 😍 #TaipeiTonightShow @TaiwanPlus
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
I wrote a song for Janet! 😍 #TaipeiTonightShow @TaiwanPlus
"What's your dream? 你的夢想是什麼?" #美樂地家庭
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
"What's your dream? 你的夢想是什麼?" #美樂地家庭
Mom and Dad sing songs to bless my move to Japan | Melody's Podcast
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
Mom and Dad sing songs to bless my move to Japan | Melody's Podcast
For our last podcast, Dad sang "Impossible Dream" to bless my move to Japan. #美樂地家庭
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
For our last podcast, Dad sang "Impossible Dream" to bless my move to Japan. #美樂地家庭
"我的情緒就比較單純。My emotions are simpler than yours." 🤔 #美樂地家庭 #insideout
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
"我的情緒就比較單純。My emotions are simpler than yours." 🤔 #美樂地家庭 #insideout
"我感受... I feel..." #美樂地家庭 #insideout #vulnerability
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
"我感受... I feel..." #美樂地家庭 #insideout #vulnerability
行為有好有壞。There are good and bad actions. #美樂地家庭
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
行為有好有壞。There are good and bad actions. #美樂地家庭
New season, fresh cut! 新季節,新髮型!
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
New season, fresh cut! 新季節,新髮型!
接納你的情緒 Accept your emotions #美樂地家庭 #insideout
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
接納你的情緒 Accept your emotions #美樂地家庭 #insideout
我們愛,因為神先愛我們。(約翰一書 4:19)
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
我們愛,因為神先愛我們。(約翰一書 4:19)
"We love because You first loved us" (free worship at home)
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
"We love because You first loved us" (free worship at home)
我們學到了什麼?What did we learn? 😅
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
我們學到了什麼?What did we learn? 😅
Emotions are just emotions; they're not good or bad. 情緒只是情緒,沒有好壞。#美樂地家庭 #insideout
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
Emotions are just emotions; they're not good or bad. 情緒只是情緒,沒有好壞。#美樂地家庭 #insideout
你看過《腦筋急轉彎2》嗎?Have you seen "Inside Out 2"? 完整播客發行了!Full podcast out now! #美樂地家庭
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
你看過《腦筋急轉彎2》嗎?Have you seen "Inside Out 2"? 完整播客發行了!Full podcast out now! #美樂地家庭
Discussing "Inside Out 2" & the Importance of Emotional Awareness | Melody's Podcast
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
Discussing "Inside Out 2" & the Importance of Emotional Awareness | Melody's Podcast
美樂地家庭 最後一次直播 Last Livestream before I move to Tokyo
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
美樂地家庭 最後一次直播 Last Livestream before I move to Tokyo
If you don't cry watching this movie, your emotions may be underdeveloped...? 😅
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
If you don't cry watching this movie, your emotions may be underdeveloped...? 😅
是不是有可能神使用音樂來宣教? Can God to use music to do missions? #musicianary #音樂宣教士 #美樂地家庭
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
是不是有可能神使用音樂來宣教? Can God to use music to do missions? #musicianary #音樂宣教士 #美樂地家庭
我們一定要開始改變我們對日本的看法。We need to change the way we think about Japan. #美樂地家庭
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
我們一定要開始改變我們對日本的看法。We need to change the way we think about Japan. #美樂地家庭
發佈了!I covered a Japanese worship song! #慕い求めます #我要愛慕祢
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
發佈了!I covered a Japanese worship song! #慕い求めます #我要愛慕祢
慕い求めます (我要愛慕祢)|在家敬拜 黃友聞 翻唱
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
慕い求めます (我要愛慕祢)|在家敬拜 黃友聞 翻唱
"我覺得這是你這一年學到最寶貴的功課。I think this is the most precious lesson you learned this year." #美樂地家庭
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
"我覺得這是你這一年學到最寶貴的功課。I think this is the most precious lesson you learned this year." #美樂地家庭
結婚了不是故事就結束 Getting married is not the end of the story... #美樂地家庭
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
結婚了不是故事就結束 Getting married is not the end of the story... #美樂地家庭
我要搬家了!I’m moving!
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
我要搬家了!I’m moving!
你願不願意一直緊緊跟隨? Are you willing to follow closely? #美樂地家庭
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
你願不願意一直緊緊跟隨? Are you willing to follow closely? #美樂地家庭
【B-day Episode】What I learned this past year + Important Announcement!! | Melody's Podcast
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
【B-day Episode】What I learned this past year + Important Announcement!! | Melody's Podcast
神比我們更了解我們。God knows us better than we know ourselves. 完整播客發行了!Full podcast out now! #美樂地家庭
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
神比我們更了解我們。God knows us better than we know ourselves. 完整播客發行了!Full podcast out now! #美樂地家庭
Worship At Home Livestream 在家敬拜 直播
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
Worship At Home Livestream 在家敬拜 直播
要在祂的時間跟用他的方式~Let God do it in His timing and in His way. #美樂地家庭
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
要在祂的時間跟用他的方式~Let God do it in His timing and in His way. #美樂地家庭
「你們要休息,要知道我是神!Be still, and know that I am God.」Ps 詩篇 16:4a #美樂地家庭
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
「你們要休息,要知道我是神!Be still, and know that I am God.」Ps 詩篇 16:4a #美樂地家庭