You think 1,2 and 3 are big, just wait X is massive
“Do you want me to play Xenoblade all year?” Why yes, yes I do 😂
Xenoblade X is the reason why Breath of the Wild is the way that it is. Nintendo was so impressed by Xenoblade X that they got half of the staff to work on Breath of the Wild. But unfortunately that also lead to Xenoblade 2 being understaffed and rushed to meet the December 2017 deadline, so they had to outsource and get guest artists for rare blades. And XC2 was very unpolished on launch so they had to do a lot of quality of life updates as well.
I’m shocked Dee didn’t expect Monolith Soft to make a giant open world on the Wii U seeing as Breath of the Wild was a cross-gen game for Wii U and Switch. XCX is a major reason why BotW is the way it is. Half of the staff that made XCX was sent to help Nintendo with BotW, which is why XC2 was understaffed needed lots of QoL patches after launch. XCX is the precursor to BotW, so I’m a bit surprised you initially didn’t expect much from XCX seeing as you love BotW so much. In fact, XCX actually has a bigger open world than BotW since you can use mechs to traverse and eventually fly across the map. In addition, XCX is composed by famous anime composer Hiroyuki Sawano, who composed Attack on Titan, Kill la Kill, Promare, Gundam Unicorn, and many more.
5:24 "who's that" yea, that's wha WE wanna know too, she's is new as far as i can tell. You are lucky dee, new content on the biggest Xenoblade game, and you can see it all fresh and new
'has this game always looked this good?' The answer is yes, and it looks even better on the switch. Monolith Soft are just that good.
4:19 No fall damage Baybee
7:17 even if it's not directly connected, does it matter? This is Monolith and Xenoblade we're talking about, it's going to be PEAK either way
By the way, the soundtrack was mostly produced by the same guy who made the music in Attack on Titan: Hiroyuki Sawano.
So fun fact: Elma like Shulk and Fiora was a DLC blade in XC2 but unlike Shulk and Fiora you actually had to beat Elma to get her as a blade and her fight is pure hell!
"Why'd you let me sleep on this?" Oh the Skells. Yeah you can enjoy the entire robots.
Consider Nopon to be like the moogles and chocobos etc of FF - they're franchise rather than universe locked
Xenoblade X's scale is insane. Monolith Soft are some actual wizards.
"I swear to god, if that's Xigbar, I rage-quit life!" - The most relatable statement of 2025 so far
Can’t believe you snuck away for this, very cheeky!
Played the original one to completion and loved it and from these traileres alone I can see the amount of stuff changed/added will be immense... mfg Olli
His reaction to the mechs at 1:46 is hilarious XD
"2052" Man, I don't know if I can schedule my calendar nearly 30 years out...
7:03 Fortunately, Nintendo confirmed backwards compatibility for Switch games on Switch2. So they can still advertise games for the current console while on the cusp of releasing a new one.