
Thanks for reacting to my video and for watching guys!


what acheron did was ruin lightcones. she turned lightcones from just having neat bonuses into mandatory pull for characters to work properly.


2:05 Back in the day, whenever a new Gear of War game dropped, my science teacher would mysteriously get sick and have to take a week off.


Isn't it ironic that HSR is the game that started the "Genshin could never" meme?


2.0 introducing Game Breaking characters!!!!!
3.0 introducing Game Bricking characters !!!!!


"Greedy and stupid," Mrpokke has become a legend. equivalent to the word "mintpicker" 😂


Dont worry guys, just wait for Dawei to cry on his 6th yacht powered by his 3rd nuclear power plant, and everything is gonna change!


Hoyo gonna end up crashing out honkai star rail just like genshin and will pursue to do the same with zenless zone zero


The worst thing a game can do to you is not making you angry, The worst thing a game can do to you is make you lose the will to care about it


Teccy I think the best way of putting it, because you're right about Silver Wolf, is to say that Silver Wolf was the calm before the storm, i.e. the first hint, and Acheron was the storm full on forming before our very eyes. Castorice, if her ability isn't removed or changed to be in-team, is the goddamn hurricane dropping right on top of us...


Remember when we are happy about pulling The Herta because it is a "valuable" pull? Hoyo made sure that we will feel satisfied with her because the enemies have multiple mobs so we can see high numbers. But there's a catch in it, first she must be played with another erudition. Serval and Herta will be enough right? Not for long because devs will inflate boss HP again so pull for E1 Tribbie and if boss hp inflates again, pull for Anaxa for The Herta team. In patch 3.4, we won't be able to use The Herta anymore because element changed, no more multiple mobs and there will be new sets of bosses which means devs will introduce new characters to pull.


HSR community is right now experiencing 1% of the powercreep the Honkai Impact community been going through for years


I loved HSR at the start, a blade main, have him at E3S1 as an F2p, took so much time and efforts, was an amazing time, but now? he barely do anything at all :(


The worst part of Rappa's quest was knowing they actually had a good idea for her back story but buried it under a pile of shit.

"Let's make the reason she's a 'ninja' actually be a trauma response." 

"Oh wow, that would something cool to make the center of the story quest."

"Oh god no, the main thing is going to be toy monkeys."


I was so hyped about Castorice until  the news of her global passive came out, and people defend it because "its just a revive" or some will say "well just pull her" like you don't need 360 pulls to guarantee having both the new units of the patch. I hate how the Genshin mentality is coming to HSR, if they don't make it either for only SU, DU... or overworld I think I'll just hope Kuro makes their own version of HSR


Hoyo is like that fiancé that changes once they became ur husband, they start doing efforts to the minuscule minimum cause ur already pulled in and locks u up in the kitchen and make u think thats ur role when its not… like clicking spacebar through the overly stretched story execution….


Can't wait for Castorice to powercreep everyone, and phainon to powercreep castorice, and Cyrene to powercreep phainon. 

The cycle will continue


HSR really create a mental trauma to talking to anyone character in the game afraid to end up in an endless wall of text.


straight up deleted the game when i saw castorice deal 1-million damage only to take 30 percent of the boss's hp. I know leaks should be taken with a grain of salt but christ the hp bloat is getting worse.


Pokke's bias against Wuwa hasn't been more clear. How he's able to sit there with a straight face and say HSR is better, borderline God's gift to gacha, is beyond me. And what's even funnier is that he's playing another open world gacha, Duet Night Abyss, that's so much worse than Wuwa, but do you see him complaining about that game? Not a chance. I can't wait to see how he defends and glazes Castorice's mega buff.