
Try dueling Calvin Ricefarmer11...he's the insane at emote pvp lol, practically the best


i like your new editor style! (potme mc)


Me: F3 + A (Turns on hitboxes)


The PotMe editing is so good 😭  what did my eyes do to deserve this


Amazing vid once again! Props to the editor, the new editing style is great!


lunar emotes need to be removed this is too overpowered


Tbh somebody did that same strategy and I was like “bruh”


I miss the old way of editing


its also useful in boxing if u back flip bc they cant find your head


Me using badlion:
I'm 100 parallel universe ahead of you


PotMe Editing really do be insane!


People who have lunar cracked somehow: I have ALL the emotes >:D


Fun fact you probably commented without watching the full video


Wait Till THE HORIZON Sees This


I dont use lunar so I cant see lunar emotes right...right


This video was only 11 minutes ago wow


title: lunar client is pay to win
lunar client: but we're free....


Fun fact feather client is free to use now I m enjoying 😉


badlion or any other client user : i cant be defeated


Can you tell me the song name? It's a banger thanks!