
You can tell he was a blizzard employee because he doesn't want to listen to other players feedback.


Do you remember when Voldemort showed up to kill harry potter and Dumbledore stepped in and said "Look at my Mana, What am I supposed to do"?


I'm surprised Pirate had enough mana to write that twitter post


The absolute hypocrisy and ego in his tweet when he essentially goes “I feel bad for you streamers for showing your true colors, see you when you become irrelevant”

Brother, whose true colors do you think were showcased the most here?


The funniest thing was seeing Soda react to the “guild enchanter” clip by listing like 10 other players with 300 enchantment off the top of his head.


Idk who this PirateSoftware guy is and I dont even play WoW, but all of this drama with everyone's reactions, was way more entertaining than all of Squid Games season 2.


"Ex-blizzard employee that has played mage for a long time"
You would never know it with how he plays


If you want to avoid accountability on the internet all you gotta do is pull the death threat card.  Shifts all the attention away from what you did and puts it on to some random scumbags that may or may not exist.


PiRAT wasn't panicking, he was punishing. He didn't like the group and didn't care if they died (even wanted it in Yamato's case, but he's a rogue). You can see it on his face. You can see it in his play. It wasn't from cowardice, it was malice.


The worst part to me is, when he says "everyone played bad", he's also throwing shade at the healer. Literally the only person that didn't mess up as far as I could see.


Watching Pirate waste his mana to oom while his team was screaming felt like watching Scar kill Mufasa


Knew this guy was full of shit, getting his YT shorts in my algo for the longest time and hearing him waffle on about something random he has "insider knowledge" on. He sounded pretty confident every time, crazy how much you can persuade someone by just sounding like you know what you're talking about.

Ex-Blizzard employee too Aware


The whole drama is really about dishonesty and a lack of humility.

First of all, the healer made one mistake—the same mistake all five members of the group made: not communicating properly on Discord.
None of them spoke up or asked why they were taking this risky path in the dungeon. Then, none of them called to pull the mobs back. 
When the boss arrived, it was too late, and panic set in. All five of them are responsible for the lack of focus and communication. 
That bad pull was not solely the tank's fault—it was a group failure.
The less experienced player (the rogue) finally spoke up and took the initiative with the "run" call, which the tank instantly approved.

Ten seconds after the "run" call was made, Pirate stopped, turned, and cast a spell, indicating he knew the "run" call didn’t mean to run nonstop.
When the call came to turn and fight, however, he kept running. 
When asked why, he falsely claimed he couldn't help due to mana issues, which was untrue. He had mana available but was wasting it on unnecessary spells to prevent auto-regeneration and empty his bar, while his mana items remained usable. He even hovered his mouse over the mana item, showing he didn’t forget about them.

Pirate didn’t want to take any risks or responsibility to help his teammates, contradicting all of his previous comments—some of which were made in front of the entire guild during a meeting. Instead, he just blamed his groupmates.
He had shown confidence, given lessons, and delivered "hero talks" prior to the event. Yet, when it came time to act, he panicked, made ridiculous excuses, then blamed others, and ultimately ran away from discussions to avoid facing what really happened.

So, the whole drama has nothing to do with mistakes or gameplay knowledge/mechanics. 
It's about pushing a dishonest narrative, and he doesn’t want to hear any perspective other than his own. 
He left two Discord calls where he was asked why he hadn’t tried to do anything, and he banned anyone from his chat who had a different point of view on the situation.

At the end of the day, while he doesn’t deserve any of the harassment that followed, viewers are justified in feeling upset to some extent about being treated as though they’re too foolish to understand the situation properly.
He doesn’t have the humility to admit that he either panicked or gave up on his mates (maybe because he is ashamed of himself), and that's what people are blaming him for.

Pretty simple.


"the shot-caller made the call to run, then went back on that call..."

So the shot-caller made another call, he just chose to ignore that one. Apparently once the shot-caller says "run", they immediately stops being the shot-caller and everything they say afterwards is void.


This was like saving private Ryan scene with the ammo guy crying in the hallway while his buddy is in a knife fight upstairs.


"I'm the guild lockpicker" LMAO


Pirate is that type of guy who reports Peanut the Squirrel to animal control.


death threats seem to be the strat for content creators to weasel themselves out of a negative light.


Run doesn't mean every man for himself, it means to leave as a group and Slow/CC/ disengage from the mobs while running away to safety


"I didn't feel like running in" should be a gkick