I noticed the kids dancing to this with Ikura were wearing headphones. That was a smart move to help protect their hearing. The whole performance and staging of this looks exciting.
Not a lot of people realize how difficult it is to sing this song live. There are almost zero breaks to catch your breath
This is the real Oshi no Ko man. This Dome performance is truly something.
いくらちゃんがどんどんライブ慣れして歌上手く歌えるようになっていくのに比例して 綾瀬がどんどん浮世離れしていくのが面白い
That crowd is certainly capable of knowing when to start chanting with the song and when to stop. That's REAL ORGANIZATION!
They performed in the Dome just like Ai dream.
1:19 ここみんなで「天才的なアイドル様」って叫んでるの最高だろ
I'd cry if I get the chance to watch yoasobi live
劇場で初めてYOASOBIのライブ観たけど度肝抜かれたし、圧倒されて心掴まれた 映画見終わった後 YOASOBIのライブ行きたい!って心から思いました
ライブでこのピッチで歌える歌唱力、胆力、身体能力は凄まじい。 ファンの期待イメージを寸分崩していない。 最高峰のエンターテナー。
While watching this, the image of Ai overlapped with Ikura-san's on the bridge right before the big chorus, and I couldn't help but shed a tear at how beautiful this was. Yoasobi truly is amazing 🎉