Bowser singing that love song about Peach had me crying.
The movie has already made over $30 million since the day it's released alone. That is how insane and great the movie has gotten.
Actually, that’s actually Key’s voice that he pitched up himself naturally. No filter at all!
I'm glad The Super Mario Bros. Movie gets so many praise from fans (like me) and audiences, I get that some folks may find the find not great and I can disagree. I'm glad Illumination is stepping up the better direction along with it's next upcoming film, Migration. Also I always liked Illumination and their films too. I can't wait to see more movies from Nintendo and Illumination because this is a start of a beautiful partnership.
I saw the movie yesterday and I enjoyed. I am not a gamer, but I have played Mario Kart before so I was happy to see it in the movie besides that it was good. The animation was very good, like you, I wanted to get lost in Peaches Kingdom and see the toads for myself and the way they showed Brooklyn was nice. The acting was great and I loved Bowsers singing, Jack Black got a good singing voice overall its a 8/10.
I'll take badass Peach over damsel in distress Peach every day
Ah, a fellow Raisi K fan. His remixes used to get me through bus rides back in high school. :) Anyway, this movie may not have had the best pacing or even a story that goes beyond just being standard but I had so much fun with the small details, animation and the characterization of Mario and Luigi that I just don’t care. Their brotherly bond was portrayed so wholesomely here. As my channel name suggests, I am a huge Luigi fan so though I would’ve loved to have had him get more shining moments, I’m super satisfied with what we got at the end. Writing-wise, this movie is a 6.5/10 but in my diehard Mario fan heart, it’s an 11/10.
Mario did get that scene where he parkoured his way threw the city to get to his job. So it did establish he had skills.
this movie that Super Mario fans will LOVE
Movie does exactly what it sets out to do, I respect it.
I just want more can we get the sequel already 💀
I dunno if “Critics are wrong” and “just fine” really track, since a ~50% RT score is what I’d expect a “just fine” movie to get.
I was not a fan of the badass peach, and the movie didn’t do much with her skills except near the end. They could made her way more silly and funny, also if they wanted the badass action princess Daisy’s right there. Her character fits that role way more than Peach, just have her meet Luigi when they were kidnapped and escape together, gives Luigi more screen time and adds to his character development.
Damn, two videos in two days? What's going on my Mann?
man i cant wait to see it
There was nothing retro about this movie it was all modern stuff
Well the movie is for fans but it’s funny to hear right wing people complain about Princess Peach