
Full video here:


Still to this day one of the top Twenty Most Powerful Hanguns !


It was also known that the conical bullets were loaded upside down which caused the cylinders to burst also.


I love seeing these OG type firearms spin the spinner !
Keep it up & I'll keep watching !


Man, I wish my dad was alive to see this. He loved collecting different types of guns. Thank you for sharing I enjoy learning about this.


If you grease the cylinder pin and use pyrodex and a grease wad, you can get 7-8 cylinders on a pietta 1858.  Maybe more.  From what I have seen of swiss, i would think you could get similar performance with that.


That recoil seems like it is actually a lovely amount for the amount of force you have flying down range. Thanks for the tutorial!


The video that this short is clipped from is actually one of the reasons why I ended up buying a Colt Walker πŸ™‚ and don't worry, I will never load it more than 50 grains per chamber. I'm rather fond of both my hands. I would like to keep them both πŸ™‚


Fun fact until the S&W model 29 this was the most powerful handgun in the world


Two Gun Corcoran's weapon of choice in the Blue Bottle saloon for his fight with English Bob.


45/70 is a 45 cal ball with 70 grains of powder behind it. This PISTOL is firing 45/60 or 45/50 if you follow colts recommendations. That's insane


Beautiful gun. gz on the blue gem.


Nice VideoπŸ‘πŸ€˜


Hi Karl, i enjoy the fire arms content but the history and social aspect that you present to me is harder to find


60 grain was only a problem due to the questionable quality iron cylinder. Modern replicas have no risk of rupturing


I've seen other videos where they had to bend the ramrod to just barely get 50gr of powder behind a conical, whereas other people claim 70gr was common. From your experience and reading, do you have any idea where this discrepancy comes from?




Do guns of old west Mexico


It's modern steel, it can handle 60 grains no problem


It's must be exhausting beating the petrified remains of an ancient long dead horse like creature that is the subject of Walker powder charges πŸ˜… 

A more interesting topic that doesn't get as much attention is how did users deal with the loading lever in the time period. I've heard leather straps or laces were tied around it and the barrel, i think your solution is more functional for shooting however as the gun is already painfully heavy and I'm fairly certain leather over the barrel would block the fairly small front sight.