
I personally think and guys please like this and share the message so it spreads that anytime there is a player or a large group of players at the wrld point poi, we make it a place of peace. To honor juice wrld and his legacy no killing or shooting in his poi, you can build emote do whatever you want, but don't harm or kill any other player that steps foot in the poi. Once they leave the poi the game resumes as normal, otherwise no killing in the wrld point poi




TG deserves a own fortnite skin.


I’m a big fan love the videos keep up the great work


Rest in peace juice ✌️


Don’t forget to use code(typical gamer) in item shop❤❤❤❤


I miss Juice. Long live Juice WRLD!


To what a legend you are


Your my favorite YouTuber


Miles and the Jordans go crazy. We are about to see some cray combos


Yay finally update


So good update making juice wrld in a video game makes me happy😢😢


RIP Juice wrld😢




means alot rip jucie  wrld


Cool mythic and nice gameplay tg plays 🎉🎉🎉


Rip Juice Wrld🙏🕊️🥺 I’m excited for this update🔥


Iam so happy that fortnite plays a tribute to juice world RIP and tg keep up the good work


0:00 Already a banger


This whole season is goated! 🐐💥🔫