
Stock up before the 2025 tariffs


The scariest part isn’t just the wars or the pandemics—it’s how unprepared the majority of people are. The writing is on the wall, and yet society marches on like nothing’s wrong.


This is, by far, the best 2024 recap video I have seen!! Excellently done! It was comprehensive, hit the relevant incidences, and jogged people‘s memories without bogging it down with lengthy recaps.  The Canadian Prepper channel has reached the next level in video production. I love it!


It's sad out of all of these conditions a financial collapse is the scariest thing out of all of them, that's because it will affect everybody


Wow, how do you compile so much information and present it in such a comprehensive manner? You really put your heart into your work.  Thank you Nate, my best to you 🎉


The calm before the storm is officially over.


Thanks for the recap, Nate! Hoping 2025 is better than 2024 but as I look at the leaders running the different countries of the world, I doubt it! Keep up the good work, Nate. I appreciate the work you do keeping your viewers informed.


Thanks, your curation of vital info and solutions will provide essential signposts for the whole population to act on


-Water & Food
-Gas masks & CBRN Filters
-Medical supplies 
-Gasoline & propane
-Get a few bicycles in case of an EMP and cars are not working
-Generator with EMP shield bag
- Plate carriers with armor
- Seeds for growing crops
-Radios and Walkie-Talkies
- Batteries 
- Tools

Good Luck and God Bless


“In 2025 if man is still alive”..  🎶


When you sum up 2024 events like this, you can see similar patterns to the lead up to WW2 .


That was a hell of a recap. Putting it that way its down right terrifying


The most complete summation of the year 2024 wrapped up from the beginning of the year to the end.  2025 is going to be quite the eye opener for many who have not prepared.
Thank you Nate, God Bless You! ❤️


Thanks…May you and your loved ones survive and thrive in the new year!


This is one hell of a briefing Nate.  Thanks !  The world has gone mad.  We must prepare.


Thanks Nate and your team too for these highly condensed, situational awareness highlights 🙂👍🏻


It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine


It's been a wild year, 2025 will be rough.


Thanks for the video, Nate. Sadly, humanity's issues are just getting warmed up. We have been putting back, preparing for quite some time longer than some on the channel have lived and its obvious things are not good and increasingly so. Expect more 1000-year events, weather related issues drought floods, more crop failures, economic issues, more red lines crossed, political/civil unrest, etc. For those who are preparing great, good job keep it up there is no stopping point on being prepared. For those who are living in the moment, oblivious to world/local events & issues or on the fence saying it's not that bad, they don't know what they're talking about, won't happen to me or my family, well good luck feeding yourself, your kids, your family.
Stay Safe & Good Luck we're going to need it


When you read them all together,  you wonder how we are not at all out war.