
I have no idea what this is about or who he's talking about but I love the fact that he celebrated his good work like that: "I did a fantastic job". Love that


In 1982 I was a senior in high school and playing bass in the pit for "Pirates" while the revival was on Broadway with Ronstadt, Smith, and Klein. I was playing out of the books for  Double bass, piano, trombone, and tuba and occasionally doubling a vocal line. Can't imagine trying to hit the cues without a conductor or any reference track.


Love Leland ❀


We know you did a fantastic job.  You always do sir!!


Legend πŸ’―


He was so frustrated on that session that he punched the music stand risking injury to his hand. I am the very model of a modern Major General. πŸ˜‚


Sean bonnette in tears


Keep rocking, good sir!


Kinda sad Leland doesn’t play a Lakeland - that would’ve been kinda funny πŸ˜…


TThis guy is very best bass player you can find.


I attest, showtunes are hard. I can't imagine doing it without sheet music.


Steve Vai really missed out on


Come on guys, stop teasing us. Show us the whole video. 😜
Or IS this the whole video? πŸ˜©πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


YAY leland!!!!


they don’t hire musicians - what they really hire is magic


I have no excuse