Scorpion. There’s no one like you.👍👍👏👏
I say this is rock, style and passion. This is style of rock. This is how i see rock music. As a style. And some emotions. They can be thriller, romance. It is a big game of impresisons Scorpions music. 80s, man. Here we go again!
Music in the '60s, '70s, and '80s was so much more interesting and innovative, and just better than what's being put out today. No autotune, not glitzy, over produced stage show, just music.
One of the greatest songs PERIOD
Love the Scorpions! His voice is so powerful, emotional, and unforgettable!
Eine der besten Stimmen der Welt! Wow, wow, wow❤Meeeegaaaa cool!
Pound for pound the best Rock / Metal band.
Again. For you, Gisela Maria. This was our song. RIP, beloved lady.❤️
What a band, what a voice, what a song❤❤❤
Been "the" fan since 85! Further you back the better they get. Key is, the last part of every song, the last 20 seconds!
ODDLY what adds to his GREATNESS he sang WITH a thick germanic accent and it sounds phenomenal
O tempo passou e essa música e interpretacao do conjunto, se eternizaram !!!
As primeiras edições do Rock in Rio,eram realmente ROCK IN RIO!!!
🇩🇪 Germany best band by far long live SCORPIONS
Canção simplesmente linda, interpretação espetacular, instrumental de arrasar. Simplesmente Scorpions !!!!! Existe algo pelo menos próximo hoje em dia na música internacional? Não, nada que preste. Bons tempos que nunca mais serão vividos...
Najlepšia kapela všetkých čias.Hudba spev nádhera.V dnešnej dobe sú kapely len odpad.Toľko rokov na scéne a nikdy nepadli.Ďakujem Scorpions za vašu nádhernú hudbu spev ktoré sú nesmrteľné.Želám Vám aby ste ešte dlho rozdávali túto krásnu hudbu.👍👍👍👍👍
The undeniable, great voice of Klaus Meine.
The Power Chords in this song are oüt of this world ! Scorpions Forever ! 🦂🤘🏻