Ofc he got the world record guys this man is the only XC2 speedrunner on this planet
"Poppi was not born yesterday, but was not born much more than yesterday, so Poppi does not know." One of my favourite quotes from the game, honestly.
The alternate universe where Pyra actually does her own work instead of having her number one fan do it
"I'm also going to sell everything that's not useful to this shop, which includes everything we just bought from the shop, and then I'm going to buy the shop." The shop owner: ._.
2:50:00 Rex: We're here! Wulfric: Do not stop now! Listen to Wulfric, encouraging you to press on with the run. What a good Blade.
Wait Malos betrays us?! Wtf how could he?
Congrats on the WR in both categories Enel
I love watching Enel try to explain what’s happening in the story and gameplay while also keeping up with how fast the speedrun is going.
i love watching speedruns of jrpgs but they take so long. i dont understand how people have such good patience
There’s a skip using Dromachs immense speed where if you run into a wall at just the right angle it skips four hours and goes straight to the end cutscene.
1:45:26 “We get to the fanservice hot spring cutscene of all the women.... and mythra” Yes, the 3 genders. Man, women, and mythra.
Freaking mad lad. Owns both major speedrun records on XC2 plus a whole host of challenge mode records. Great job Enel
Man, now I know why your voice was hurting from this. You’re summarizing the whole plot as well
It's good to see Wulfric again. I'd practically forgotten that he existed since the DLC came out.
I actually prefer this category because it’s more reminiscent of how I played the game for the first time, I played it without the dlc.
Congrats on WR, Dromarch with the carry
I’ve done nothing over the past few days but study the dlc any% run you uploaded a few months ago as I’d like to try it myself, but this will help keep me entertained while I’m at work. Keep up the great work, Enel!
Cute girl: Would you like to go out on a date with me tonight? Enel: Sorry, I have plans. Cute girl: What plans? Enel: It's complicated... how the hell did my comment get so many likes
It’s amazing that a speed run of XC2 is somehow shorter than a speed run of Pokemon Shield