

fatou from black swan was called out by a family member leias for “bullying” her and apparently fatou snapped out on leia. this reached news and fans were mad at fatou. calling her racial slurs, saying people only like her because of her skin color and just straight up bullying fatou while leia was liking all the tweets and insults being made towards fatou. fatou addressed the situation explaining that the bullying allegations were false and the reason why she snapped on leia was because leia was apparently rude and doing things to gain attention throughout their time as a group. just a couple of days ago black swan was on video as a group addressing the situation proving fatou to be right about how the bullying allegations were false. so people are mad at leia because she let her fans disrespect fatou and call her racial slurs without stopping them and while knowing leia was in the wrong. also, leia told her mother about this and her mother sought help from the freaking fan base, completely ruining blackswan’s reputation. what leia did is really, really unforgivable. oh yeah and basically leia never liked fatou because of her race and skin color. she falsely accused her of bullying her, thinking it would get her kicked from the group. LEIA started all this, she bullied fatou first and THEN asked her mother to spread this to the media after fatou snapped. in the video, you can see fatou crying while apologizing for allegedly bullying leia and there's leia who's secretly enjoying the scene. however, in the end, leia left the group and fatou is doing all great. also, leia cant debut anymore 😊
p.s., to the bitches who say that fatou was in the wrong as much leia was, please read fatou’s twitter post. you can find that on tiktok/yt 🥰


The smile she gave. Shameless.


Now look at her she is a leader wealthy happy successful and most importantly surrounded by people who actually love and care for her and blackswan carer is rising every single Day 
And what about the bully?
...oh she's still hated by the fans




Anyone who said racist stuff to fatou because you thought she bullied leia, surprise you’re just racist. Even if she had bullied leia (which she didn’t) the people who said racist things were just looking for a reason too let it out. SMH


She literally giving the kdrama villain vibes ☠️


I'm very happy that Leia is out, because she made the whole controversy that Fatou was the culprit and she the victim.
The whole controversy is explained in apple documentary Kpop idols.


The fact that leia didn't even apologize for bullying fatou in that video only apologize for being rude to fatou family still anger me. She created alot of problems for all blackswan members its good that she is no more member of the group.


On a side note: Fatou looks so good with her hair like this and never realised just how beautiful her eyes are, so big and round and still with a positive canthal tilt, its mesmerising 😍


Farouk needs a protector. I could never leave my black child alone in that country to fend for herself


I’m truly sad that the Korean members felt they also had to leave and that Leia never made the situation right. It’s so awful to know she manipulated her fans that way.


I really hate when people support bully rather than helping a victim. Sometimes people start blaming a person based on their skin colour or background without even knowing who is the culprit.😮‍💨


the way leia acts ASTOUNDS ME.  the utter disrespect she acted towards not only fatou BUT HER FAMILY IN THEIR OWN HOME is crazy!


I know of their situation and I have absolutely no respect for Leia. She reminds me so much of a close family relative of mine. A narcissistic, manipulative compulsive liar that's always a victim of completely self made up scenarios, is the worst person to have in your circle. It's an everyday war to save your sanity and composure. I salute Fatou for holding it in for so long. Even after exploding on her, she still apologized and carried the after math very gracefully and selfless. Meanwhile Leia... I have no words for her. I highly doubt she learned anything from it. Not with her personality. I don't know her personally, so I can't talk too much shit, but I know the symptoms when I see them. I hope she changes for the better, other wise everyone around her will suffer. 
I wish success to Blackswan. I love the current members ❤.


Fatou is so good and beautiful


There’s also the fact that people found it easier to hate on Fatou because she’s black. In the kpop industry, black people are clearly less likely to be believed as compared to people who have lighter skin.


Like she really tried to end blackswan I think she thought that if I leave the group it’s going to be the end of blackswan and when sriya and gabi joined like they were so happy for debuting but she was talking of leaving without saying anything but God had a different plan


Great to know that the "Leia girl" is out of the grp
I'm not a Black swan fan but I've always loved Fatou


Has anyone heard her MUSIC!!! OMG❤❤❤❤❤❤😶 FATOU IS TALENTED. Black Swan has a Great Leader.


Leia's eyes and face are just like a villain I am happy that she is former member