
Bro we have the biggest beef what are you yapping about unc πŸ’€


The biggest beef is you vs aidπŸ’€πŸ’€


Tfue is chill af πŸ—Ώ


Who remembers Fortnite Fridays? Those tournaments were so exciting to see. Tfue won a lot of them and it made him extremely popular.


This beef was MASSIVE




I said I remembered that because of Eminem minigunπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


The grotto was my favorite poi


'Tfue drops were insane fighting him off spawn was nightmare 
He almost had 100% accurate timing so he will land before you , around that time 
Possibly the greatest off spawn fighter ever..


Damm I forgot about the scoped era πŸ˜‚


I love the Grotto!!!


its the grotto from malcom in the middle 1!1!1!1!1


Oh yeah I remember spaghetti grotto with RG's minigun


Broda changed his name to a POI that got destroyed πŸ’€


Chap still trying to get grotto in the remix seasonπŸ’€


Tfue got that Johnny Lawrence vibe


That poi was massive you know what else is massive? 😏😏


Fun fact: "grotto" actually is an Italian word and it means "cave" so the grotto means the cave 

Ty for your time.


Bro I remember watching this live and I didn’t even know about the beef.


I think it was just fun for both of them to play against each other