Imagine if we get FF7 Trilogy all between KH3 and KH4... insanity... but nah I am very confident we will get KH4 before part 3 and Im sure they want some time between those releases, so WE HAVE to get KH4 some time in 2026. I am confident. Cuz FF7 Part 3 sounds like a early 2027 release or holiday 2026 at the earliest
Rebirth is the best FF game.
Tetsuya Nomura likes to take 7 edibles before he does his writing.
Nah SE already said they're completely renouncing exclusives, part 3 will be out on all systems right away
its 50/50 with nomura in control of the ending ... could be a artistic masterpiece , or kingdom hearts level dialogue with special guest starring darkness
Still nothing on KH4💔
There are two clouds, one sack and two buster swords something’s gonna happen in the final boss fight
I cannot wait for this game… no lie I need Aerith to stick around
I would love for the FF7R team and the KH team to collaborate on a title because the traversal mechanics in KH are so much better. I want Cloud to double Jump and run up walls, dive and swim underwater, etc. Maybe they could make FF Versus XIII... Also, a Rated-M DLC Patch that people can download and apply to FF7 REMAKE, REBIRTH, and PART-3 would be sick! Whether it would be free or not, I would get it!
It's all paranoia that some people believe that Part 3 would only be released on next gen consoles like the PS6. You make a valid point in that the PS4 is still getting new releases well over a decade after first release.
The writer writes under the director, all the weirdness (which is the only thing I don't like about the trilogy) is more likely than not Nomura's input.
watch part 3 come before KH
The one problem I'm having for Rebirth on PC (for me, not sure about others) is it isn't compatible with GTX 1050 ti, I have to upgrade to a RTX
I really hope FFVIII is the next one if they plan on doing more remakes/re-imagining.
I want a dirge of Cerberus remake
Man, we really are gonna get FF7 Remake Part 3 before KH4... aren't we 😅
Wouldn’t it be crazy for third ff7 game to have Sora just pops in out of nowhere during his kh4 adventure, kidnaps cloud and the gang by accidentally teleport them to the lands between in Elden Ring or Star Wars???
part 3 needs to be day one on pc or it well underperform for them again .