
I say the blunderbuss should at least be in C because it is very effective against ashen lords and skeleton lords.


was bouta say the 2 newest weapons are awful in pvp but saw the pve though i wish they were buffed for pvp so theres a point in using them in pvp


ah yes
needing to be close to enemies only becomes a problem when talking about the blunderbuss and the sword definitely doesnt suffer from this too


Fantastic editing


I mean the double barrel pistol is really good bc of the new faster reload and higher damage. And also except the blunderbuss, it's the only weapon that can one shot skeletons that still have 4 sword hit HP (like in treasuries or mysterious journal quests)


Never had an issue with eye of reach. But it may be because im a fl4k main in borderlands 3 and i find myself close rage with a rifle


People saying the throwing daggers aren’t good for PvE have lost all credibility with me tbh


"Eye of Reach is hard to use on Console!"

Me: "🎵Oh the wind carries my name
From Sniper Island far away
When I take aim its straight and true
Lu lu lala lu🎵"


Double barrel has decreased range compared to flintlock


Theres more that sniper, pistol,blunderbus and sword!?

...I havent played in so long


Blunder buss is rated to low I don’t like it move the throwing knifes can’t block with em🤣


Who let bro cook 💀


I knew u had no idea wtf u were talking about when putting dbl barrel in A tier and knife in S tier then put the most important and powerful weapon for guarding ur boat in D tier


Bro pvp ?


Never rate again ‼️‼️‼️