
For me simple editing is a game changer. Before I would rarely build and hardly ever edit because I am not very good at the game. Simple edits have made me build and edit at least 10x more. They are great for bad players like myself because there is such a small learning curve


U almost won content creator of the year


We love you typical gamer ❤🎉


This could be amazing for console players like me! When I first started out it was the season right before they introduced zero build, so I got kind of good at builds but I wasn’t great. Then I didn’t have to worry about it and now I could have a way to do it super easy!


Big fan of TG content


Simple edit is a cool new thing for new players


0:00 already a banger


Don’t we love tg!🌶️👌


5:43 "despite all my rage im still just a rat in a cage"


Bro I just realized if u see his glasses really good it looks like it doesn’t have any lenses on it😮


Are you going to make a video for simple edit settings


I’m glad to see it! I’m having a hard time editing the ramp. Luckily it happened. Thanks for reminding it!🔥


Simple edit is annoying sometimes and is sometimes useful


The goat


TG dropping super great bangers to keep me happy😎🔥


I've just recently switched from keyboard and mouse to controller, for that more casual experience (also partly cause I just enjoy controller more), and simple edits have helped a lot with my progression. I used to suck at building, but ever since simple edit I can focus more on the building, and not the editing. I've gotten decent at building and think it's probably about time to turn it off, so I can do the side windows. Honestly if simple edit had the side windows it would be god tier.


U can just cone on a slurp barrel and it will break it’s really helpful




I literally have the perfect solution, Fortnite... Have BOTH simple edit and normal edit available at the same time. They can be different keybinds (e.g. F for simple edit and G for normal edit). This way, one can use simple edit most of the time but still have normal editing for the more advanced stuff.