"He is the principal subject of prophets and poets for OVER 6,000 years." We are in the 7th seal brothers and sisters! He is coming soon
As Elder Stevenson said, the next 10 years will be unforgettable. Yes, there will be tribulations as never seen before, but as the world falls, Zion will rise, the New Jerusalem will be built and Christ will come.
Thank you Seth for your message and testimony. Thank you Elder Oaks for your testimony and guidance. I am very grateful for the restoration of the fullness of the gospel... The many blessings received through temple work are eternal and the vision of the tree of life in the book of Mormon is alive and around us daily.... I am thankful for President Nelson, past prophets, past apostles and the present apostles....and the many brothers and sisters serving in callings and the selfless service of the many missionaries teaching and testifying of our Savior Jesus Christ...My family and I and many others have received daily blessings and health to their naval and marrow to their bones .... Incredible!!!! .... The Gospel is True!!! Joy, peace and health are attainable.... Hold on to the iron rod!!! In Jesus Mighty name..
Think celestial. Stay on the covenant path.
I love what you're doing with your channel! I'm always uplifted & edified! Thank you! And I thank God for our dear Prophet & Apostles of the Lord. I believe that the Twelve (15) meet with our Lord & Savior from time to time, as needed. I also believe that they are meeting & consulting with Joseph Smith, Jr. & others. Surely, these are some of the angels President Holland is desperate for us to see! They might even have been on the stand during the last few General Conferences withholding their glory. Just read the patriarchal blessing for Joseph. It's thrilling! Merry Christmas! 😊💝🎄👑
I’m glad elder oaks quote lord Jesus Christ teachings instead of the members quotes specially in this times , I know he is one of our strongest leaders pray for him and for the church for our father in heaven is coming to judge everything on earth 🌍 good tithings brothers and sisters great health and great prosperity to you all stay in prayer stay strong hold back you expendings stop the gifts for while is time to reflect in our father scriptures and his love for us love the church and all of you Whatever comes to us let’s be prepared for good and bad times god is with us .
I LOVED your message! I love watching YouTube and am so glad your video popped up.
Thank you
Thank you Seth, and Merry Christmas! ♥️
Merry Christmas 🎄☃️❤️Thank you.
Good job, brother. Thank you
You gave a good presentation. Read 3 Ne. 4:4, 18-19 and realize that we must store up provisions against the Gadianton robbers that surround us in our day. We must be willing to provide for our own sustenance and to be willing to defend ourselves, families, communities, nation and our freedom against those who would take these things from us. There is no free ride until the Savior comes and restores peace to the world. We can and should hold on to the Spirit of Christmas in contrast to the bitterness of the world until then.
Good presentation. Thanks❤
Jesus is God over this world. Satan is the god "of" this world. That's why we're commanded to be in the world, but not "of" the world.
Our prophet has actually said "Time is short". We don't have to look for single word changes. Just listen more closely to all the things Pres. Nelson has been saying for the past 6 years. Like: "We are preparing a people to prepare the world for the second coming of Jesus." and "without the constant comforting guidance of the Holy Ghost we will not survive the coming days spiritually." There are many more nuggets in his conference addresses that people just ignore.
I just figured out that Alma 30 verse 3 has a date of 82 BC to it. Moriah 29 :46 shows 509 years from the time Lehi left Jerusalem. I have that date in 607 BC. 607 - 509 is 98 BC minus 16 is 82 BC. Another scripture in Ezekiel 40 verse 1 shows a date of 582 BC as a Jubilee year. Lev 25 verses 9 and 10 says the Isrealites were to blow the shofar on the 10 the day of the month of Tishri. Sometime in Sept or Oct. That was the Jubilee. 582 plus 25 is 607 BC. It shows the 14th year plus 11 years of Zedekiah's reign is 25 years. Both the book of Mormon and the old Testament agree on Jubilee years. 582 minus 500 is 82 BC. 82 minus 50 is 32 BC. 32 minus 25 (half a Jubilee) is 7 BC. So that means when Christ began his ministry he was 30 years old in 24 AD. That's why when he read Isaiah 61 verse 1 to the people he told them today this prophecy has been fulfilled in your ears. He himself declared this year as a Jubilee year. Now it is 2000 years later and our prophet has changed the wording in coming days to in a coming day singular showing we are now in the 7th seal Where one day is as 1000 years with the Lord. The half hour of silence has just begun and will last for 3.5 years. Then the final week or 7 years of tribulation will begin ending at the appearance of the Lord to the Jews in the fall of 2034. Other scriptures back up the destruction of Isreal to 596 BC. Daniel 9 verse 1 shows that in the first year that Darius was king Daniel knew the time of the Jewish captivity was up. Darius became king in 522 BC. 522 plus 70 is 592 BC plus the 11 years of Zedekiah being king would give the year of 607 BC when Zedekiah became king. This would also give a date of Nebuchadnezzar becoming king in 615 BC not 605 per Google. The destruction of Jerusalem occured in 596 BC not 587 BC. 587 minus 70 is 517 BC. Darius is already king by 522 BC. 522 minus 517 is 5 years. So the dates of history are off by 5 years. 33 minus 5 is 28 AD when Christ died per the book of Mormon the last 33 years of Christ's life was over and he was crucified on the 4th day after his third year of ministry was over and his 34th year had begun. He was 34 years and 4 days old when he died after his 3 year mission to mankind was over. The Jewish New Year began on Oct 2nd 2024. Conference was on Oct 8th 2024. From Oct 2nd 2024 we have moved into the 7th seal. The sixth seal is now over. Even the Catholics know this as they will begin their millenium and Jubilee celebration on Christmas eve Dec 24th 2024. Like the Jewish people they start their day in the evening of the day before the actual Dec 25th date. This is in keeping with Gods time and the evening and the morning was the next day. The Jewish day goes from sunset to sunset. It doesnt start at midnight like our modern day does. Anyway the first Pope of the Catholic church was Peter and he was Jewish and he must have given the correct date to the Jewish Jubille. We havw just started the time period of a half hour of silence which will last 3.5 years. After that time the 7 years of tribulation will begin. That is the whole significance of chanding his wording from in coming days to in a coming day. The new millenium has officially begun. It didnt begin on April 6th 2000 at the dedication of the Palmyra temple like so many last day.enthusiasts thought or think. Claiming the half hour of silence is about 21 years. The 7th seal did not open then it opened on Oct 2nd of this year 2024. This is the great 2025 jubilee year. It begind in Oct of 2024 and continues to October of 2025. Like I have shown both the Bible and the book of Mormon shows to he Jubilee year 582and 82 in the book of Mormon. This results in a Jubilee occuring in 2024 as it just did. At the time of Christ his Jubilee occured in 24 AD. Not 30 AD like so many people think Christ began his ministry. Christ was 30 years old but the year wasnt 30. AD it was 24 AD Thats because he was born on Nissan 10 7 BC which converts to our Gregorian calander as April 6th 7 BC. Since 24 AD there has been 40 jubilees. Each Jubilee is 50 years. 50 times 40 is 2000 years. 40 is also a number of judgement. Remember in Noahs time it rained for 40 days and forty nights. Our judment can begin anytime but I think God wants to finish hos temple in Salt Lake and it will probably be dedicated on April 6th 2027. That would be 2.5 years from Oct of 2024 Hopefut the Lord will keep things relitivly calm till then. At least within the USA. I think major troubles will start in the USA after Oct of 2027. That would be the 3 year time line. Remember it said about a half an hour not exactly a half hour of silence. See Rev 8 and DC 88. Thats my explanation of rhe difference from days plural to day singular. The sixth seal day is over and now we only have the opening part of the 7th seal day. We have movwd into the Rev chapter 8 time line of when the 7 trumpets start blowing which I belive will occur sometime in the fall of 2027 and run to the fall of 2034 with Adam Ohndi Ahman and the morning of the first ressurection begining around April of 2031. Thats when the two prophets that protect Isreal will go there and the 144000 high priests along with their sposes will be sent inro all the nations of the earth. . Christ will appear to the Jewish people in the fall of 2034 on the Jewish day of Atonement. It will be light for 3 days. I dont know the date when he comes in glory and burns the earth. No one knows that date.
Didn't have to announce your departure. I enjoy his commentary. Of course it's important to get it from the source first.
I think I missed on what we should be doing for the next 6 months can you guide me to understand?