
The One really encapsulates the feeling of the old feelings Zombies conveyed. A dark sad world that was truly grim when you looked into it. The song itself is about what it’s like when you’re a zombie. The moaning esque groaning lyrics conveys their endless bloodlust and anger, while the melodic parts convey their past life and who they used to be, and how death would truly be a mercy to them.


When Zombies were great... Nice montage by the way


I will never grow tired of that guitar riff. Goes perfectly hard when you reload the Wunderwaffe without Speed Cola


So glad you guys are still making content, always a pleasure to watch


3:34 lol that's just adorable


0:38 High five zombie!


This is the best Easter Egg song in Zombies. One can argue that “115” is the best but for me “The One” comes in first place.


Till this day I never knew the hell hounds had another texture wow


This map brings back so many memories


Man dude this music makes me feel so alive


The thing that scares me about Shi No Numa are the sprinters

Ya know, the sprinters that literally stick their hand out towards you as they're running


I didn't realize he used cod online Shi no numa zombies map with world at war and bo1 and bo3


Nice, always making the best mvs


This is just as good as the official music video for Shi No Numa! Lovin' the use of the camera, it feels like an official remastered trailer they'd release to promote Zombie Chronicles Shi No Numa.


Ive always been a fan of this vids, the cuts, the mixes, theyre all great and precise. Keep it up




It's nice when original content still has charm after almost a decade


In World at War I get chills playing this map.


This was by far my favourite song from zombies. Especially the trailer to this map, still remember watching it when I was like 9


Still playing on these maps.and it's 2024, legend maps I call them