
Something they dont talk about is how over 25% of new home were actually bought by investors, not people looking to live there. Even if boomers sell all the houses or more home become available, the problem wont go away, as wealthy investors will still buy up those supply of houses. This will keep the houses prices up.


Both entry-level homes and entry-level jobs are disappearing from the US.


As a contractor in the construction field, I noticed that I go to a lot of newly built homes in new neighborhoods that are being bought up by upper-middle class retirees to rent out long term before the paint is even dry.

Young, new families are competing with out of state millionaires who want their 4th or 5th property.


It honestly feels like America has abandoned its young people.


We've talked this issue to death and yet nothing is being done. Sad.


Starter homes are now tents on sidewalks.


I don't want a townhouse, I want a detached house, but I also don't need more than 1,000 square feet. Just let people buy small houses again.


Why are there so many comments blaming the younger generation for wanting to live outside their means?? I have a great job, drive a 34 year old car, and live with family to save money for a house. I’m saving as much as I can but it is basically impossible to buy a house without dual income now. TIMES HAVE CHANGED! My parents bought their first 2000 sqft house off a single blue collar income with three kids at the age of 24. That is IMPOSSIBLE now.


Don’t forget a huge portion of new homes increasingly have HOAs which adds more unnecessary costs and often are just ways for corporations to milk consumers even more


The moment people saw homes as an investment instead of a basic human need was the moment people lost their chance in owning one.


These houses were considered starter homes when they were built in 1970 for $25k, 1400 sq ft ranch, no ac. Now they’re $800k


This is devastating for communities. Homeownership isn’t just a “boomer” thing. It’s something that ties people to a community where they have an invested and vested interest.


Crazy how’s there’s a “shortage” for almost everything now. Shortage of homes. Shortage of population. Shortage of food. Shortage of supply. My gf and I both have excellent credit scores, no college debt, no credit card debt and we were barely able to qualify for our first home October of 2024. It’s brutal out here people..


It’s not adding up that people are having less kids but yet these houses are being built bigger & bigger🤔We don’t need McMansions we need practical & affordable.


I was able to buy a 1200 sq ft single family house on 1/3 acre for $112k in 2007 at just 23 years old on a $40k salary. Sold that house years ago and wasn’t able to buy another house until this year (2024) at 40, well after establishing a 6-figure income. Something is definitely broken


I can understand why birth rate is dropping. Young generation cannot afford to buy a house.


Every starter home in my area has been purchased by investors, they paint them white, put in CVP flooring and some crappy appliances and double the price or put them on the rental market. Hoke’s that were $250 in 2020 are now $550 in 2025.

We need to completely remove the 1031 exchange for any residence that isn’t the primary home.


It needs to be made illegal for corporations to purchase single family homes. Period.


Its not that there isnt enough supply or stock of starter homes, its that corporations are buying 3/4 of them to rent out.  And this is driving the prices of homes and the cost of rent to ludicrous highs


They admit affordability is a huge issue, but no one is doing anything about it.