★MANIFEST TRUE LOVE★ Sleep Meditation ~ Attract your Soulmate
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Welcome to Dauchsy’s Manifest series. This meditation was made to help you attract a loving relationship into your life while you sleep. Your subconscious mind is most comfortable and open to suggestion when you are unconscious in a sleeping state. You may be asleep, but your subconscious mind is busy at work. While asleep, your subconscious ingrains your thoughts by learning and solving the days problems.
These last few minutes before you sleep, the time where you are in between being awake and asleep, it is the most important time for you to focus on the positive and focus on what you want in your life. Your subconscious mind will take this information and use it for the next 8 hours of sleep. You will be focusing your powerful subconscious on finding ways to attract the perfect loving relationship for you.
Make sure you are comfortable and ready for sleep. You will be guided down through this meditation into a relaxed state until you are fully asleep.
Follow along with the meditation as long as you want. If you feel tired, just let go and feel free to fall asleep. Your subconscious will take over from there.