
Cessna 172 ✈︎ Grand Bahama Island - 3 Countries in 3 Weeks: Part 10

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Plan your trip to this amazing part of the world 🌴🍹🐠 www.bahamas.com/

This series has taken a lot of my time to edit this year, and I always have a mixed feeling when I finish a big series. On one hand, I'm glad to have it off my plate so I can move on to new projects. On the other hand, I'm internally sad that I'll no longer be reliving these memories every time I edit. Thank you, ALL of you, for supporting this channel and sticking with us through Part 10. 🙌🏼

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HUGE thanks to Aviation101's Sponsors:
Release: syquestusa.com/
ForeFlight: foreflight.com/
Flying Eyes Optics: flyingeyesoptics.com/?ref=Aviation101
CoFlyt: coflyt.com/

#Flying #Bahamas #Aviation
