
Septic Shock | Shock (Part 8)

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For lesson 8 in our series of lessons on shock, we take a deep look at probably the most common, and often the most deadly kind of shock, septic shock.

Septic shock is a result of a systemic infection, also known as sepsis. It is a very serious condition with a very high mortality rate and no matter what type of ICU you work in, you will come across this type of shock.

We start off covering the basic of explaining what is septic shock. In this lesson, septic shock explained in a way that makes it easy to follow yet, maintaining a strong grasp on the concepts. We do take a very extensive deep dive in to the septic shock pathophysiology, explaining all the compents that work together to create this profound state of shock.

We also cover the causes of septic shock, from bacterial septic shock, to viral and others. We then take a look at the septic shock symptoms and signs that you would see in your patients.

Finally we thoroughly cover the treatment for septic shock including the latest guidelines for the 1 hour bundle from the surviving sepsis campaign.


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For the next lesson in this series covering identifying what type of shock your patient is in, click here: *COMING SOON*

You can also check out the playlist for this series of lesson on shock here:    • What Is Shock? | Shock Pathophysiolog...  

Also check out our other popular series of lessons on Hemodynamic Principals:    • Cardiovascular System Anatomy | Hemod...  
