
TOP 130 LEADERBOARD ranking w/ @Chagaboo road to 100k

6458 347________

Click HERE to download CODM: codmatvi.onelink.me/jYL7/o61bfw5k

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JOIN THE AGABOO COMMUNITY!! ➸ youtube.com/channel/UCOO8NPQV7Yf4NP4R4iokLbA/join

Hi I'm Aerith! I’m a Competitive Female Call of Duty player and I make montages and stream daily. I edit on Premiere Pro/After Effects and record with an Internal Elgato Capture Card.

Check out my MAIN CHANNEL: youtube.com/c/Aerith
Check out my LIVE Stream Channel where I stream every day: youtube.com/@aerithlive

Business Inquires: aerith@swipeup.gg

Discord Server ➸ discord.gg/bruBE7dKUW

My Social Medias:
Discord ♡ Aerith8225
Twitter ♡ @Axrith
Instagram ♡ Aerithcodm
Trovo ♡ Aerith

Intro Music: "Artificial.Music - Faithful Mission" is under a Creative Commons (BY 3.0) license:
Music powered by BreakingCopyright:    • ♨️ Free Lofi Music (For Videos) - "Fa...  
