
Muad X Firas - Jibreel (Vocals Only)

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Immerse yourself in the spiritual melodies of a song dedicated to Jibreel, the angel of revelation. Let the words transport you to realms where divine messages unfold and wings of guidance unfurl.

As you listen to this song, please keep the people of Palestine in your prayers. Remember, Jibreel didn’t ascend to the heavens straight from Makkah. Of all the places on earth, he took our beloved prophet to Palestine first and Angel Jibreel was the one who elected Prophet Muhammad to lead the prayer in Masjid Al-Aqsa, the doorway to the heavens. He accompanied the prophet all the way to Sidratul Muntaha, the utmost boundary of the seventh heaven. This song is dedicated to the highest ranked Angel of Allah.

Lyrics & Melody by Muad & Firas:
➤ Instagram: muad.music
➤ Instagram: @firasvocals
➤ Youtube: @firasvocals

Vocals only backing by Tasleem Kariem:
➤ Instagram: @tasleemkariem

Video shot by: White Box Media
➤ Instagram: @whitebox.uk
