
Let's Make a Chain of Words 2! | Jack Hartmann

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Let's Make a Chain of Words 2 by Jack Hartmann is a phonemic awareness activity. Jack starts with a word, and then changes one letter to create another word. In this chain of words, Jack starts with a word and then changes the initial consonant, then he changes the medial sound, the next time he changes the ending sound and lastly, he changes the initial sound again all to create a Chain of Words. Look for our other Chain of Words videos that segment the sounds to create a Chain of Words. Join Jack Hartmann as we continue the fun with a chain of words! This engaging word chain activity will help improve vocabulary and language skills in a fun and interactive way. This version is an open-ended version that asks students to name the new word in the chain independently.

Let's make a chain
A chain of words
It's really fun
Have you heard?
You start with one word and make so many more
You can make words from the ceiling to the floor

Let's start with the word dig
Change d to p, and you get the word pig
Change i to e, and you get the word peg
Change g to t, and you get the word pet
Change p to s, and you get the word set
We made a chain of words

Let's make a chain
A chain of words
It's really fun
Have you heard?
You start with one word and make so many more
You can make words from the ceiling to the floor

Let's start with the word sun
Change s to f, and you get the word fun
Change u to i , and you get the word fin
Change n to t, and you get the word fit
Change f to s, and you get the word sit
We made a chain of words

Let's make a chain
A chain of words
It's really fun
Have you heard?
You start with one word and make so many more
You can make words from the ceiling to the floor

Jack Hartmann's website: jackhartmann.com

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: goo.gl/ogaW1i

Remember to connect with Jack Hartmann on his Social Networks:

Facebook: facebook.com/hop2itmusic
Pinterest: pinterest.com/jackhartmann
Twitter: twitter.com/Jack_Hartmann

You can find Jack Hartmann's Music on:

Jack Hartmann Website: jackhartmann.com
Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/7okT3a2kDis9lOUAEMIpeG
iTunes: goo.gl/GeDJeJ
Amazon: goo.gl/Ei8C6B
Google Play: goo.gl/doZpfS
CD Baby: cdbaby.com/Artist/JackHartmann

Words and Music by Jack Hartmann
Copyright 2025
Jack Hartmann's Hop 2 It Music
