
165 : Yacht Restoration using Reclaimed Mahogany Floor Boards

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This is a huge refit and refurbishment of this big, old, abandoned steel yacht and it's not only time consuming, it's complicated and quite expensive so we really do value any help we can get, whether it's helpful advice and comments on the video or gifts through our Amazon Wishlist or actual contributions through Patreon, Paypal and Ko-Fi.

We want to say a HUUUUUUUGE thank you to everyone who has contributed in any way and here are the links if you'd like to help us out at all on this amazing journey.

Thanks so much to Autoterm for sponsoring this video and providing the kit.
To get 5% of your Autoterm heater please go to www.autoterm.store


and use promo code sailingmelody5%

This is a huge refit and refurbishment of this big, old, abandoned steel yacht and it's not only time consuming, it's complicated and quite expensive so we really do value any help we can get, whether it's helpful advice and comments on the video or gifts through our Amazon Wishlist or actual contributions through Patreon, Paypal and Ko-Fi.

We want to say a HUUUUUUUGE thank you to everyone who has contributed in any way and here are the links if you'd like to help us out at all on this amazing journey.

Our Sponsors and Partners

Custom designed sails.

Craft Insure Boat Insurance.

Hydrovane Self Steering.

Mantus Anchors.

Autoterm Planar Heaters.

Pro Marine Store Online Chandlery.

T-shirts and mugs and more coming soon.

To buy Andy's Album please send an email to turner.andy@hotmail.com so we can take payment and send you a download link

Our links
Support us on Patreon : www.patreon.com/sailingmelody
Check us out on Instagram : instagram.com/sailingmelody
Come talk to us on facebook : facebook.com/melodysailing

Or make a one time contribution via PayPal or Ko-Fi using these links

Check out our Wishlist at PRO MARINE STORE
Website www.promarinestore.co.uk/
Gift Card www.promarinestore.co.uk/sailing-melody-youtube-ch…
Wish List www.promarinestore.co.uk/blog/pro-marine-store-and…

MONA F&T - Where we get our steel

Weldgas Cymru - Where we get our welding gas and torch bits

We also have an Amazon wishlist.

Our Gear
Sony a6400
Feiyutech a1000 gimbal
GoPro 7 Hero
GoPro 3 Hero
Rode Studiomic pro
Rode Studiomic mini
