Cardiogenic Shock Nursing Management, Pathophysiology, Interventions NCLEX Review
Cardiogenic shock nursing review on the management, pathophysiology, causes, symptoms, and nursing interventions NCLEX review.
Cardiogenic shock occurs when the heart can NOT pump enough blood to meet the perfusion needs of the body. This results in low cardiac output and cell perfusion is decreased to the organs and tissues.
Cardiogenic management includes: reperfusion to the heart muscle if possible via a heart cath, administration of medications that increase cardiac output and stroke volume (vasopressors, inotropic vasopressors, vasodilators, diuretics etc.), hemodynamic monitoring, management of the respiratory system due to pulmonary edema, placement of intra-aortic balloon pump etc.
Symptoms of cardiogenic shock arise from the decreased cardiac output by the heart and decreased tissue perfusion. Signs and symptoms of cardiogenic shock include: back flow of blood into the lungs and right side of the heart leading to pulmonary edema, jugular venous distention, dyspnea, increased respiratory rate, tachycardia, pale, cool skin, low urinary output, mental status changes, increased pulmonary artery wedge pressure and central venous pressures.
Nursing interventions for cardiogenic shock include: assessing for adequate tissue perfusion, maintaining hemodynamic monitoring, titrating cardiac medications, etc.
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