Septic Shock Nursing (Sepsis) Treatment, Pathophysiology, Symptoms Distributive
Septic shock nursing NCLEX review about the treatment, pathophysiology, symptoms, and nursing interventions.
Septic shock occurs due to sepsis and leads to major decrease tissue perfusion. Septic shock is a form of distributive shock, which affects how the small vessels supply blood to the cell's tissues and organs.
Septic shock pathophysiology includes: massive system-wide vasodilation, increase capillary permeability (leads to relative hypovolemia), clot formation in the small vessels. All of these factors contribute to decreased tissue perfusion and leads to shock.
Characteristics of septic shock include persistent hypotension that does NOT respond to fluids, requires vasopressors (Norepinephrine) to keep mean arterial pressure greater than 65 mmHg, and serum lactate greater than 2 mmoL/L.
Other symptoms of septic shock include:
"Early": warm flushed skin, increased heart and respiratory rate, restlessness, fever, increased or normal cardiac output and decrease systemic vascular resistance, decreased blood pressure
"Late:" cold/clammy skin, severe hypotension, respiratory failure, oliguria (renal failure), low cardiac output and increase systemic vascular resistance, coma
Treatment for septic shock include: fluid replacement, vasopressor, oxygenation (mechanical ventilation), glucose control, monitor serum lactate, Foley catheter to measure urine output, hemodynamic monitoring, enteral nutrition etc.
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