
Shanida - 4760 | 2024-Oct-14 Monday NLB and DLB lottery result

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Welcome to our latest lottery results update for October 14, 2024! In this video, we unveil the winning numbers for several popular lotteries. Check if you’re a lucky winner!

Lottery Results:
Supiri Dhana Sampatha (Draw 333)

Winning Numbers: 2, 7, 9, 8, 2, 3
Jackpot Amount: Rs. 23,758,284.00
Letter: U
Kapruka (Draw 1775)

Winning Numbers: 10, 11, 29, 53, 37
Jackpot Amount: Rs. 550,384,878.20
Letter: F
Ada Kotipathi (Draw 2425)

Winning Numbers: 10, 30, 62, 68
Jackpot Amount: Rs. 74,370,441.60
Letter: R
Lagna Wasana (Draw 4311)

Winning Numbers: 05, 41, 51, 62
Jackpot Amount: Rs. 6,508,690.80
Super Ball (Draw 2599)

Winning Numbers: 01, 13, 16, 47
Jackpot Amount: Rs. 62,988,740.80
Letter: X
Shanida (Draw 4760)

Winning Numbers: 02, 24, 62, 70
Jackpot Amount: Rs. 54,023,140.80
Letter: T
Jayoda (Draw 2068)

Winning Numbers: 17, 23, 26, 68
Jackpot Amount: Rs. 25,797,833.20
Letter: T
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Supiri Dhana Sampatha 333
Kapruka 1775
Ada Kotipathi 2425
Lagna Wasana 4311
Super Ball 2599
Shanida 4760
Jayoda 2068
Lottery Results
Sri Lanka Lottery
October 2024 Lottery Results
#SupiriDhanaSampatha #Kapruka #AdaKotipathi #LagnaWasana #SuperBall #Shanida #Jayoda #LotteryResults #SriLankaLottery #October2024 #WinningNumbers #Jackpot

Keywords: #NLBLotteryResults, #DLBLotteryResults, #SuperBall, #Govisetha, #AdaKotipathi, #MahajanaSampatha, #MegaPower, #KaprukaLottery, #LagnaWasana, #NLBLotteryYesterday, #LotteryResultsToday

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