

1916797 51644________

This time, Katori-sama came to my house as he did last year, but unlike last time, he brought along Kusanagi-san, so I thought he might be very hungry, so I made him a hamburger steak, and I think it turned out pretty well. But I guess it's eggs, since he only had eggs for dinner tonight.

I sell them on the Lima app "Mercari" www.mercari.com/jp/u/385891713/

Kanock's Room

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instagram: www.instagram.com/kanockstar/
twitter: twitter.com/kanockstar

My books
[Amazon exclusive] Kanockstar's "The Talent for Escape" special edition with audio data for reading
www.amazon.co.jp/ dp/404605378X

▼Seven Net
[Seven Net exclusive Kanoc Star "Talent for Escape" special original photo data included]

▼HMV Online
[HMV exclusive bonus] Kanoc Star "Talent for Escape" special original photo card included

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49 Muramatsu-cho, Ise-shi, Mie

To Kanockstar

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Music: Free BGM and music materials MusMus musmus.main.jp/

Music by: @dcuttermusic / www.davidcuttermusic.com/

Hello, nice to meet you!
I'm Kano, and I gave myself the strange name Kanocstar!
I graduated from univers
