
【誰でも使える?!】Adobe Fireflyに動画生成AI機能が登場!使い方と生成クレジットの消費は?

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We explained how to use the newly added video generation AI function in Adobe Firefly and the generation credits.

▼Table of Contents▼
00:00 Adobe Firelfy video generation
00:44 How to generate a video
08:39 About credits when generating a video
11:25 Summary

▼Adobe Firefly▼

"Self-study Photoshop: A fun guide to mastering the basics" Shoeisha
Rakuten Books

"If you're a beginner at Photoshop and want to learn from a book, this is the book for you"
I've put my all into making this so that I can confidently say this.
I hope you'll pick it up! =========================================

Thank you for watching the video!

I share the basics of how to use Photoshop and Lightroom for beginners and useful techniques.

I would be very happy if you could like, comment, and subscribe to the channel.

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   / @mappyphoto  

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✔Related videos

Recommended playlist

Videos are organized so that they can be viewed in order of related topics.
◎ First time Photoshop [A must-see video for those who are self-learning]

   • はじめてのPhotoshop#1【独学の方に絶対に見てほしい動画】  

◎ First time Photoshop #2 [A video you'll want to review and memorize over and over again]

   • はじめてのPhotoshop#2【何度も復習して覚えたい動画】  

◎ First time Photoshop #3 [A video you should watch when you're stuck]

   • はじめてのPhotoshop#3【悩んだときに見てほしい動画】  

Recommended videos
============================= ===
★100 things you can do with Photoshop
    • 【初心者必見】Photoshopでできること100選!いくつ知っている?!  
★Super basic layers
    • 【Photoshop超初心者講座#3】レイヤーとは何?使いこなすための超基...  
★Layer mask
    • 【初心者必見】レイヤーマスクとは?切り抜きに必須【フォトショップ講座#4】  
★Clipping mask
    • 【Photoshop講座】クリッピングマスクの使い方徹底解説【初心者必見】  
★Smart object
    • 【Photoshop講座】スマートオブジェクト完全理解!知らないと使えない?!  
    • 解像度とは?Photoshopでの設定・変更方法・再サンプルの違い【画像の基本】  
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Video creator: Mappy Photo self-introduction
Mappy Photo is a duo consisting of Erina (starring in videos) and Taji (editing videos).

I started using Lightroom and Photoshop to develop and finish the photos I took, and it was difficult and tough at first.
However, as I learned more, I wondered if I could create videos that would be as easy to understand, simple, and fun as possible for people who were having the same trouble with Photoshop and Lightroom, so I started YouTube.
Your "likes" and "comments" are very encouraging.
If you found the video helpful, I would be happy if you could click "like"!

★Click here for the Photoshop and Lightroom explanation website!
Please check it out as a supplement to the videos!

Equipment and materials used in the video

PC used: Windows 11
Software used: Adobe products
Photoshop 2025 Version 26.0
Lightroom Classic
(Adobe official photo plan prf.hn/l/3Yo9N1Y)
(Amazon amzn.to/3Xwf5eF)
Skylum's Luminar AI (skylum.evyy.net/mappyphoto)

Camera used: Canon EOS80D (amzn.to/39zVNP8)
Video editing software: Adobe's Premiere Pro

Sound effects: OtoLogic
Opening: YouTube Music
Music: Bensound.com/free-music-for-videos
License code: VZQ6PMR7LUYDXVQP

#adobefirefly #video generation #MappyPhoto #MappyPhoto's AdobeFirefly course
