【ゾンビランドサガ 唐津スタンプラリー】ゾンビランドサガ リベンジKARACHU♡唐津♡周遊キャンペーン に行ってきたよ
I went to the stamp rally that will be held from 2024-12-1 to 2025-3-31
The stamp rally sheets are distributed at the Karatsu Castle 1st floor shop and the Karatsu Station General Tourist Information Center.
You can exchange stamp rally prizes at the Karatsu Station General Tourist Information Center.
00:00 Opening
00:38 Karatsu Castle (Minamoto Sakura)
05:10 Marine Center Fish Village (Nikaido Saki)
07:13 Karatsu Umakamon Market (Hoshikawa Lily)
08:48 Karatsu Boat Race (Yamada Tae)
11:47 Momoyama Tengashi Market Roadside Station (Mizuno Ai)
13:38 Yobuko Tourist Information Center (Konno Junko)
16:04 Karatsu City Hometown Hall Alpino (Yugiri)
17:42 Karatsu Station General Tourist Information Center (Tatsumi Kotaro)
*The standee panels installed are in brackets