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What you've all been waiting for, FRIED RICE!!
Koh shares his recipe with passion (maybe too much...)

▼ The Legendary Series
   • 【400万回再生人気レシピ】料理研究家コウケンテツが教える市販の袋麺とソー...  

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◘ Fried Rice with browned green onions and soy sauce
[Ingredients (Serves 2]
• 80g sliced pork belly
• 1 stalk green onion
• 1/2 a knob ginger, cut in thin julienne
• 2-3 tablespoons oil
• 350g warm rice
• 2 eggs, beaten
• 1/3 teaspoon salt
• 2 teaspoons soy sauce
• 2 teaspoons sake (cooking wine)
• additional green onions, pickled ginger, salt and pepper

*Cooking over high heat may damage a non-stick pan. I recommend using a steel-based pan.

**The green onion that Koh uses looks pretty big but it's not a leek. Stick to using green onions or scallions

① Prep the ingredients: mince the green onions, cut the pork, beat the eggs
② On medium heat, cook the green onions, ginger and pork. Once the colour changes, continue cooking for another 4 minutes until brown. Take it out of the pan and set aside
③ Using the oil from the pork and green onions, pour in the eggs and fry the rice
④ Season with salt. Return the pork and green onion mixture and fry everything until combined
⑤ Add soy sauce and sake and toss to evenly distribute

Taking the green onions, pork and ginger out of the pan and using the same oil to fry the eggs and rice

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Koh Kentetsu Kitchen
(Official Account)

Hi, I'm Koh Kentetsu. I'm from Osaka, Japan. I eat, cook and travel all across Japan and Asia. I'm also a proud father of 3 kids (2 daughters and a son)

I hope to share my love for food, cooking and much more!
I would love to hear your ideas and requests for future episodes too!

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◆Getting in touch

◆Opening credits

