
I'm not too happy with myself... Life Update || June 2023

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00:00 // Introduction
01:00 // Life Update
02:55 // The Airplane
03:21 // The Oral (Practical Test, Ground Portion)
06:16 // Flight Intro (Practical Test, Flight Portion)
07:10 // Normal Takeoff
07:21 // Power-On Stall
08:04 // Steep Turns
08:29 // Slow Flight
09:10 // Power-Off Stall
09:42 // Engine Shutdown
11:01 // Emergency Descent
11:38 // Single-Engine Instrument Approach
12:58 // Short-Field Takeoff
13:25 // Short-Field Landing
14:55 // Takeoff Abort
15:31 // Engine Failure After Liftoff
16:30 // Vmca Demonstration
18:07 // No-Flap Landing
18:48 // Debrief Items
20:08 // Closing Thoughts

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HUGE thanks to Aviation101's Sponsors:
Release: syquestusa.com/
ForeFlight: foreflight.com/
Flying Eyes Optics: flyingeyesoptics.com/?ref=Aviation101
CoFlyt: coflyt.com/

#Flying #Aviation #FlightTraining
