
Elif Episode 485 | English Subtitle

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Watch episode 485 of the Elif series with english subtitles.

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Umit comes to Arzu’s house and asks Asuman about Arzu’s whereabouts. Asuman says she has no idea. Umit doesn’t get the answer he wants so he locks Asuman in a room. He goes downstairs and starts drinking. Arzu comes back and sees Umit hammered. She wants to send him away but Umit breaks a bottle and threatens her to kill himself, because he says he can’t live without her. Arzu gets angry. She goes upstairs to unlock the door and tells Asuman to send him away. When Asuman goes downstairs, she sees no Umit. He has left.

Inci and Elif talk about their day and their promise to Yusuf. Melek hears them and asks about their day. She tells them to tell the truth but the girls come up with another lie. Melek gets suspicious. She thinks Elif is hiding something.
Yusuf searches Umit. He talks to his lawyer friend. The next day Melek drops by the bookstore but can’t find Yusuf.

At work, Cevahir still can’t find a beautiful accountant. Then at last a new girl comes. Feraye is a beautiful blonde. Cevahir likes her. So she gets the job. Cevahir introduces Melek and Feraye. Melek and Feraye already know each other. This is surprising for them. Feraye seems to be a tough girl. The other girls at work don’t have a good first impression.

Arzu is disappointed by the performance of the two guys who kidnapped Inci. She wants to use someone else for her purposes and decides to talk to Umit again. She asks Umit to kill Elif and Melek. Umit refuses this but Arzu says that this is the only way for her to forgive him. At last Umit accepts.
At school Elif and her friends come up with an idea for their invention.

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