The Capitalist System | Financial Collapse
The Capitalist System - Melting glaciers, gullied seas, the financial markets are about to collapse. Spectacular images of how growth continues to be blinding. Outside you can hardly see anything because of the smog and the smoke screen.
The Capitalist System (2018)
Director: Florian Opitz
Writers: Florian Opitz
Stars: Haim Bodek, Ulrike Herrmann, Tim Jackson
Genre: Documentary
Country: Germany
Language: English
Release Date: May 3, 2018 (Germany)
Politicians, economists and the media are obsessed with economic growth. But why do we still cling to this concept? Clearly it is impossible to have infinite growth on a finite planet.
In ‘System Error’ award-winning director Florian Opitz (“Speed, In Search of Lost Time” and “The Big Sellout”) examines the fundamentals of capitalism. He reveals unexpected correlations and lays bare the pathological nature of the current system. He also examines the continuing impact of Karl Marx as an analyst of capitalism.
Filmed in Brazil, China, Germany, the U.K and the U.S.A, System Error gives a fresh perspective on the capitalist system and where it is leading us.
"The presentation is pretty good despite some natural clunkiness expected when German filmmakers decide to make a movie in English.
Don't believe the other reviews if they say "been there done that" or "nothing new here" - In fact, as stated above, it does present its arguments in a novel way and is thorough in breaking things down.
The fact of the matter is that current day (post?) capitalism relies almost exclusively on growth and profit for only growth and profit's sake. The other fact is that the Earth is a finite environment and will not be capable of providing infinite resources or letting us do so in a manner that doesn't further damage it, which is one way that capitalism externalizes losses onto the public commons. The growth has to stop sometime or something else will give.
Sadly, I think the natural progression of things as laid out by this film has us living in one of the many dystopian sci-fi scenarios involving the billionaire class escaping to off-world satellite colonies or Mars while the rest of us are turned into batteries like in The Matrix. OK, that last part is a bit hyperbolic, but the rest of us already are and will continue to suffer the consequences of unfettered growth, the financialization of everything and the resulting damage to our environment leading to danger to all of our lives."
written by "pacocharte" on IMDb.com
Also Known As (AKA):
(original title) System Error
Austria System Error!
Canada System Error(French)
Finland Talouskasvun takaraja(TV Title)
Germany System Error!
Singapore System Error(English)
United Kingdom System Error
United States System Error
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